So cool! How do the locals make use of the fruit? Is it mostly just juiced? Thanks for another great post.
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So cool! How do the locals make use of the fruit? Is it mostly just juiced? Thanks for another great post.
Some people eat it, but most people just make juice from it, just by using either juicer or just cup of water or any kind of juice per one Noni fruit and just blended in a mixer which I will share on my next Noni post but the most common way is to get the fermented juice from putting the Nonis in a glass jar and letting the fruit juice itself for about 2 weeks to a month.
Ah gotcha! The bottled noni juice we used in the past was super dark purple, almost black. I wonder if that happens with fermentation or if it is a different variety of fruit.
I was just reading that raw Noni is way more powerful than drinking the juice since all the nutrition is in the pulp and by fermentation the digestive enzimes are destroyed and you only get 50% of healthy properties, while raw Noni provides all of the health properties. (I will share a post about it)Yes. That is the dark color you get from the fermentation. You are correct @zerodashonenine.