Over the last couple of years I've moved between a handful of various online games including League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm, Paladins, TONS of Overwatch and recently I've been back into the world of Hearthstone. I had a couple weeks before the latest expansion, Journey to Un'goro, was released being able to play some of my older decks. But I have to say, since the new cards were released, I've been having a blast! Outside those streaks of the worlds worst card draws of course. Lol.
Anyway, for those who don't know, Hearthstone is Blizzard's card game (released in 2014) that pulls from World of Warcraft. Personally, I enjoyed it from the start having somewhat missing my old WoW days but no longer having the drive to put in the hours that I preferred to play it (subjectively) right. This let me have the nostalgia without the time requirements.
Many people thought, after seeing the new cards, that we would see slower decks (like control and somewhat tempo) be more at the forefront and less aggressive, hit you in the face decks. While this did occur slightly, I don't think it was to the degree people were expecting. There are still a TON of aggro decks, specifically Pirate Warrior, Murloc Paladin, and Beast/Token Druid. One very noticeable effect however is that the are now literally dozens of top tier decks available, instead of being limited to less than 10. I've used the warrior and paladin aggro decks myself, that can be fun for a while.
In April, I managed to get to rank 3 (my highest ever) primarily using a Paladin Midrange Murloc and Quest Rogue deck. For the Paladin one, if I can get a decent enough start to just prevent a massive onslaught of damage, I could usually get out a string of increasingly stronger taunt minions. On the Rogue deck, I just had to get a good enough starting hand and complete the quests as fast as possible (which turns all my tiny minions into 5/5's.) (Some people have removed the backstab and eviscerate for a couple more small minions to rush the quest better.)
This month, I had a hard time climbing the ladder (currently at Rank 8) with these decks due to a massive onslaught of aggro players. So I've instead been doing most of my climbing with various priest decks, miracle, silence and dragon (which has been the most effective for me.) They typically have enough removal to deal with the tiny minions of the aggressive decks (potion of madness specifically) to give you enough time to create your board presence.
Don't forget that if you find yourself dealing with a lot of Pirate Warriors, slip in a Golakka Crawler or two or if an Aggro Paladin, toss in a couple Hungry Crabs.
Happy Ladder Climbing Everybody!!
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Golakka Crawler
Hungry Crab
Yeah, like more aggro players is what HS needs
Just kidding :) I'm mostly playing arenas - so ranked really doesn't concern me - though - nice round-up of decks.
Oh, I totally hear you! Personally I find aggro decks annoying to play against and not a huge fan of playing them myself, though sometimes it's just what seems necessary with nothing else is working for me.
Arena's are fun and I play them here and there. I only do so-so in there, usually between 4-6 wins...though I did manage a 12 win a long while back. Even though most tier lists have mage ranked 4th or 5th, they still tend to work the best for me. The others I tend to take in order are rogue, hunter, priest, paladin. Most guides have warlocks as a top tier because of the card draw, but I've just not seemed to get good card options when building my decks.
For a while it's seemed like choosing cards that add to ones on the board tend to do well (like +1/+1, adapts, etc,) especially when mixed with some direct damage and removal cards. So much depends on the 'luck of the draw' when making the decks as well as figuring out how to play them well.
When I used to play like everyday, I've had an average of almost 7 wins. Slightly under, but close.
Now I do much worse since I don't play HS that much anymore. Been playing since alpha and just got burned out.
cool post! :) i really like playing hearthstone!
NICE! Have any preferred or successful decks? (just out of curiosity)
What other games do you play?
miracle rogue, midrange murloc paladin, taunt warrior. Good for climbing.
I just got the warrior quest crafted. I'll probably start breaking that deck out a little bit more pretty soon...once the dragon priest stops working for me. Lol
I've been wanting to at least get sharazin crafted before moving to the miracle rogue myself, but they definitely seen pretty strong and rather consistent. Quest rogue it all depends on the draws. I've been toying with removing the backstab and evicerate at times to help finish the quest quicker...downside is that if I don't get good cards (without them) I'm just screwed. :P
Thanks, now reinstalling Hearthstone lol . good thing it's free ^_^
Rofl! Sorry :P
But like you said..at least it's free. Having the subscription for WoW is one of the main things that's kept me from hopping back in there time to time.
@sykochica you can basically play for free now by getting those tokens in the AH (worth around 100k gold in US realms these last few weeks), that gives you 30 days of game time
That's pretty tempting! :D
I didn't know they had those available for gold now.
Good stuff I been playing hearthstone for a few years now and the new expansion did make it fun again!
Thank you!
This one has been a lot of fun...seeming better than some of the others. Especially having the wide range of competitive decks available...some even being really cheap to craft.
I do hope they tweak some of the quest cards to make them a bit more viable in the future. For example, one polymorph, devolve, destroy a minion type removal and the reward for the paladin quest is just gone. Most of the others have some immediate benefit (like time warp) or something a bit more permanent (all minions being 5/5, 40 health, minions cost zero, etc.)