Like the Alphabet, The letters in Hebrew are called the Alef - Beyt They are presented on my blog from bottom to the top so you can learn them order, then to read them right to left. You will see what the original "Bible" said and what the names meant as they went through the stories of old.
Here is Chet: Symbolizing a fence or wall, to cut in two or separate.
It is the eighth letter. It is a consonant . It is also the number 8
Some cultures pronounce Chet like a "K" due to European influence on the language.
Some read this letter with the sound coming from the throat, like the Spanish "J" - in English it is transliterated as "kh" to simulate that sound. I have always pronounced Chet with the back of my throat because it's what I hear it most.
Compare Chet with He and note the difference.
The left side of Chet touches the top . Not on He.
Let's do some reading
I will only be using words that contain letters that you have already learned.
Vowels are markings that appear below, and sometimes above or within the letters. Vowel pointings, as they are called, can define the sound of a vowel or they are the sound after a consonant.
I will help you with the sounds explaining each word and how it's read. The transliterations are representations of how someone who speaks English might write the word using the alphabet. When I can I put in the way a Spanish speaker might write what he hears in Hebrew.)
This one is famous. It is the word "one" not the number 1. Look up an audio of Ha Sh'ma - quoted "Hear oh Israel YHVH our God is One"
Here we read top right moving down: aleph then the vowel segol (three dots)
Next letter: Chet then the vowel kamatz
Next letter: Dalet
eykhad - or - aykh-odd - or (Spanish representations "ejad")
* one * the * and
Here is how we say 'and the one' - I added blue marks to point to the three words contained in this one Hebrew word.
Vav witha a Shva below it ":" = "and"
He with a kamatz below it = "the"
Then our first word from this lesson...
v'hah ekhad - or (Spanish representation "veja ejad")
Bald forhead
We have a Gimel with a Hiriq under it "."
Then a Bet with tzeire ".." under it
Last we have Chet with a patakh "_" under it
(to read from bottom right to upper left)
geeh-be-ak - or - gee-bay-akh - or (Spanish: gibeaj)
A complicated one
We have a Vav with a shva under it ":" = "and"
Then a Zayin with kamatz under it
Next, a Vet with a shva under it ":"
Next, a Chet alone followed by Vav as a vowel (shuruk)
(the two letters are pronounced..)
Khu (Spanish: "ju")
v'zah-v'khu - or - ve-za-ve-khu - or (Spanish: v'zav'ju)
Where we are so far
These are the letters you have learned so far - good job!
Only 14 more letters and you will be reading!
the vowels only have about five sounds - and I will keep telling you how they sound as we go
- don't worry about the names of the vowels unless you plan to teach Hebrew.
I hope to add meaning to these little lessons each Shabbath as we go. Then we can read together with the vowel points in place and see how it all jives with English.
Thanks for taking the time to read.
Many Arabic words are derived from Hebrew, which proves that the Jews lived long with the Arabs, and that our two languages are very close.
In fact we lived side by side without serious problems, unfortunately this is not the case today and it is a pity.
I hope that in the future all this animosity will be reabsorbed and we will be able to live in peace with our very close cousins.
really a friend, now there is a striking difference. but seeing from the alphabet is almost similar. why @hebrew ?
really a friend, now there is a striking difference. but seeing from the alphabet is almost similar. why @hebrew ?
Thanks for sharing, you're doing a fine job. I have been looking forward to this your post, I had to follow you, to stick close. I have been doing some research trying to find a Bible that contains both Hebrew and English, I could only find "Kingdom Interlinear" for the greek scriptures. Do you have a suggestion?
Here - read on line or download. This is the one I use.
Thanks for the response. I'll go and check it out asap. It'll be handy from time to time, because some Bibles translation tend to be obsolete these days.
Great lesson again mate! I am having great pleasure learning this language and I can say I can see a little bit of similarities with Arabic words. The world is wonderful indeed.
It looks so much like the letter Heh.... it takes a lot of practice to differentiate. But eventually, one (ekhad) day we will all speak Hebrew ....
We will all speak Hebrew when we meet God one day.
Thank you for the lesson! Audio helps very much.
This is a great lesson. I like to see the letters in words like that it really helps. Every lesson is getting better and better. It is working - I am learning Hebrew. UpVoted.
I think i'll need some more training haha. Great job there!
Great lesson again mate! I am having great pleasure learning this language and I can say I can see a little bit of similarities with Arabic words. The world is wonderful indeed.
very nice.
I always hear small children in the mosque beside my house reciting Alyf Byt Tah Sah. never knew it was hebrew
Lots of shared sounds between Spanish and Portuguese and I can even understand 60 % though I never studied Portuguese, that doesn't mean one can assume certain sounds are a certain language.
yeah thats true, your blog made me realize that
Your posts are always this way and I appreciate it, that is so cool thanks @hebrew.
'האות 'ח' זות האות אחרונה מפרשת השבוע: 'נח'
שבוע טוב
This is a hard language to pick up! It is important to me as a Christian. Thank you!
This is a nice tutorials in ancient language of ivrit.
You have introduce language learn easy to guide.
very nice post,,,,,,,,,,,,
Wel done and perfect work my dear friend....
I always respect and appreciate your posts....
Upvoted and resteemed...
Cheers~~~~Wow....another "ancient language " post by @hebrew
Thank you! I do not quite understand, the pronunciation should be a bit stiff, or is it because the words are pronounced slowly?
When I learned, I had trouble finding any video to watch that pronounced the words slowly for me. The same thing happened in real life when I learned Spanish - I got really good at asking people to speak more slowly.
The Chet is pronounced like that sound someone makes before hocking a loogie (but that 's a bit gross haha).
Thanks for explaining, I understand:)
I like your comment @hebrew
Great post @hebrew
Hello @hebrew,
Some people says Hebrew words & Arabic words have similarities. It can be, because Hebrew is the oldest language & Arabic absorbs words from it. Nice lesson & I'm your new student.
I have found a video of Alphabet of Hebrew... can you please tell me, is this pronunciation is correct or not Sir.... If you can upload the voice cut of letters, sometimes it might help us more Sir... Nice lesson Sir...@hebrew - Sir, I missed 1st 2,3 lessons of yours, but then I read your articles & get it.... This wonderful language learning makes me feel happy.... One day I could say 'hi, I learn world oldest language' & people will ask where I learn it... I never went to a class & a housewife.... But they don't know I got the best teacher's support to learn this language via Steemit....
I have found a video of Alphabet of Hebrew... can you please tell me, is this pronunciation is correct or not Sir.... If you can upload the voice cut of letters, sometimes it might help us more Sir... Nice lesson Sir...
This is a very important letter and especially the word Echad .... One !
This is also very good. These letters are all so important......
Oneness: (from
You hav ea very good understanding of the depths of this language. We need only to keep looking and Eloheinu will show us new and amazing things "beyond what we could ask or imagine".
This is why I could not get very far in my Hebrew language studies since every single letter would send me off in different directions.... when I get to Chet and the word Echad I become lost in this concept of Oneness then travel the roads with the Baal Shem Tov and the other Chassidic Mystics back further and further in time .... at one point I spent years lost in Moses Cordovero's Orchard of Pomegranates .... these letters are bursting with Light.
It is very difficult to me to make myself to read from right to left :)
I begin to understand the depth of this language.
Difficult but interesting language. Will definitely take some time to get the hang of it. But it will be worth it.
Thanks for the article.
Yeah definitely you have added the great meaning with each lessons and thanks for highlighting the ones we have learnt so far :)
Very important and guide learners post for language beginners.
I want to studying more about this language.
Its tough task. But if I have good effort I can learn easily.
Very good guidelines from your post.
Followed, Upvoted and Resteemed
Waiting for Tet.... maybe in 9 months she will be born . Can hardly wait for the next lesson. Tet is so interesting .... it will be Good.
learning about the basic spelling of the ibrani alphabet is very challenging and fun .. I really like your persistence, your article is very useful friend @hebrew. great post 👍
This is a nice tutorials in ancient language of ivrit.
You have introduce language learn easy to guide.
nice post
This is now getting more interesting i am loving it :)
Nice post..I benefit from it.👌👍
Thx bro😃✌
Great lesson!Thanks for sharing.
Wow a nice steem post
Good job my friend @hebrew👍👍
very fine difference there thanks for making it clear otherwise i would got confused there :)
you are adding valuable content with each post's and that amazing to learn :)
had a great time reading and exploring new things today :)
World class post my friendUpvote and resteem post you @hebrew
I want to learn.
@hebrew - Sir, I missed 1st 2,3 lessons of yours, but then I read your articles & get it.... This wonderful language learning makes me feel happy.... One day I could say 'hi, I learn world oldest language' & people will ask where I learn it... I never went to a class & a housewife.... But they don't know I got the best teacher's support to learn this language via Steemit....I have found a video of Alphabet of Hebrew... can you please tell me, is this pronunciation is correct or not Sir.... If you can upload the voice cut of letters, sometimes it might help us more Sir... Nice lesson Sir....
Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post.
+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]
Those are the letters, sung using the names. As in English the names won't (always) help with pronunciation, how often does a Q make the kee-you sound in words.
My third teacher had the same pronunciation as this woman singing. She rolls her R from what I can hear. I am on board with whatever helps you learn the language. At one point we all have to choose an "accent"
If you learn English in Georgia or Wisconsin or even London, you will sound good speaking as long as you are consistent with the area you learned from. I am a native English speaker and I understand all of the above plus Irish and Scottish accents. I am fluent in Spanish and have taught that language as well. I understand Spanish from all Spanish speaking countries and they understand me too.
I have chosen (and teach) the sounds of the spoken Hebrew words that I hear read in Israel both read and sung.
@hebrew - Sir your knowledge of languages are extremely unbelievable... You can speak a lot of languages & fluent in most... Nice explanation Sir... I'll try to learn those letter & awaiting to learn the next letter too Sir....
I used to sing with this video as a way of memorizing the letters and learning the sounds.
@offgridlife - Hi, nice you decided to sing with this video... But I'll do when I get permissions from @hebrew Sir.... I don't know when these pronunciation are correct or wrong.... ;)
interesting fact-
religious jews not writing this letter and another letters that make up the name of god יהוה.
if someone religious want to write something like the word יהדות hes adding a ( ' ).
for example (י'הדות). the word will be- י'ה'י'ה
thanks for an awsome post as always. it hebrew it means also the short for god.
תודה רבה על פוסט מצויין, בעברית האות הזו גם מציינת את שם השם.
@hebrew you did very well job to teaching us that language and you making for us easy that language or putting hard work for us. Which is appreciated thins man May god bless you Man!
Big thumbs up!
Nice Shema oh Yisrael adonay is good I like the song
Thanks again for the great lesson. Are you a teacher btw, or doing g this out of hobby? Just curious :)
Upvote ResteemThank you for the lesson! its valuable post. thank you @hebrew
thanks for the hebrew this post very important lesson and useful.
For your post propagation.
Good job @hebrew