This is also very good. These letters are all so important......
Oneness: (from
Hebrew letters have numerical values, which help us understand the meaning of the Torah and the prayers.
The word "ONE" in the Shema, echad, is made up of three letters: Aleph, Chet and Daled. Aleph, which has the numerical value "one," refers to G‑d Himself. Chet, numerical value "eight," signifies the seven heavens and the earth, ie: 'up' and 'down', the vertical plane, including all spiritual dimensions. The third letter is Daled, numerical value "four," which denotes the four directions of the horizontal plane: north, south, east, west.
Now we can understand what the Talmud means by "lengthening" the way we say "echad." It means spending time thinking about the meaning of the word: that the world in all its dimensions--the spiritual and the physical, and throughout the world and the entire physical universe--is really an expression of the infinite oneness of G‑d.
The Jewish people is itself described as echad, "One nation in the world."4 This implies not only that we are unique in the world, but that we are the nation which communicates to all humanity the concept of the oneness of G‑d. Further, by keeping G‑d's commands in our daily lives, we draw the Divine Oneness into the world, into every detail of our physical existence. And as the Talmud says, G‑d rewards us by granting us long and fulfilling days and years.
You hav ea very good understanding of the depths of this language. We need only to keep looking and Eloheinu will show us new and amazing things "beyond what we could ask or imagine".
This is why I could not get very far in my Hebrew language studies since every single letter would send me off in different directions.... when I get to Chet and the word Echad I become lost in this concept of Oneness then travel the roads with the Baal Shem Tov and the other Chassidic Mystics back further and further in time .... at one point I spent years lost in Moses Cordovero's Orchard of Pomegranates .... these letters are bursting with Light.