Still learning everyday myself, but this is such an important topic! Steemit definitely has an advantage over other cryptocurrency platforms as it is user friendly and people already have a good idea about how social media works. The potential drawback is that people are going to be interacting with private/public keys here for the first time which can open them up to potentially costly mistakes. One huge tip is to keep your private key PRIVATE. I have seen people put them in the memo of their transaction. Not a good idea as the control of your account and funds have now been broadcast to the rest of the world!
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Yep, it's a new thing for people to have to control their own security, rather than a giant central entity claiming to do that (not sure how true that actually is in practice though). However, I think generally that's a good thing, to be involved and successful requires actual self-reliance and education on the topic, which can only help people in other aspects of their lives.
Yes! I have already had a friend flub and make a password error, losing them access to an account. (first day troubles). I try to stress the importance of backing up your info and keeping those things private and secure! And in a place easily obtainable. I find once this is figured out, it can actually become really enjoyable to unlock and lock your wallets/accounts and there is a rewarding feeling to that control you now carry.
Appreciate your input! :)