Again how may i delete my account✌💚

in #help7 years ago

This is getting no where and its just to much as my familey needs me more then some social media...
Wast of my time and it wont wast our summer..
Sure seems like if i lied cheated & stole we'd get the help my wife needs & so much more. But no we do our best to do good spread good and plane just be good.
As we are a open book with ZERO to hide..
And to be honest i just dont see this platform helping us in our situation at all.
I seen it use our situation to better others accounts.

Sorry but this is getting to be just as bad as fakebook and I.G..

So for the last time how can i delete my account
Ive already deleted my discord account.
That too was a waste of time & Phones memory space...

And i will still be giving away the 2 grow tents just NOT ON STEEMIT✌💚
As i can look up whom all is TRULY in need of a grow tent or 2..
Ill have @viktorialeach post pictures when i do.




My wife has been dealing with severe cramps & the thing is all these so called DOCTORS would just tell her shes very bless after only taking a few blood test & a pee test. Their would be times where my wife would go 3 to 4 months without her monthly. But when she got it i knew to get ready to help her as best as i could.
Well here we are now 5 years of dealing with this and being told shes "BLESSED & SHOULD FEEL BLESSED" i finally went off on one female doctor and asked her "how in the hell is that BLESSED"! Please tell HOW!! Me as a man knows damn good and well thats NOT BLESSED. Theres something more wrong. Well now after dealing with this for 5 years my wife Viktoria will need to have a full Hysterectomy. Now if All of them damn doctors would of done their job and asked for more test. Viktoria wouldn't be this bad But nooooo
An as a man im not sure what to do but be here & support her to the best of my ability. Shes the love of my life and a great mother. We have no family nor close friends so that makes it even harder on us.
I know this is a long shot posting on here. This will be very rough for all of us but more my wife. All were askin is to just please share our Gofundme link to help us with getting the word out there. This will help us with some of the burdens thats to come with bills,medications & transportation.
We are very low income and do what we can to get by. Thank you to those whom share or even make a small contribution. Every little bit helps.

Please share our gofundme link
Thank you to all who share or even donate.

Or our PayPal is [email protected]

Remember to always pay it forward
Its not a hand out
Its a hand up

A Simple Act In Caring.
Creates An Endless Ripple.

Jah Bless
Remember the poor

Stay blessed Stay lifted
In the end stay real..

Take care and thank you to all whom tried to help my wife im sure she will still be on here.
As for my its just to much✌💚....


Shared on twitter and Facebook.

I don’t think you can delete the account. Isn’t the blockchain forever? I commented on another of your posts to try fundition and upfundme. I can set up a campaign for her. I’ve made a couple so far. I would do it so that all of the earnings go to her account or yours if that’s what she wants.

I will reach out to Viktoria also to offer my support. It’s terrible what she’s going through and it’s a shame that her doctors have let her down so badly.

I think we can make a difference on this platform. Let’s try it. I’ll go ahead and share the gofundme too but please let me help with your steem fundraising.

I know it’s frustrating. I know how low-income folks are mistreated medically. I see you. I see that you care deeply for your wife and you don’t want to see her in pain.

Your very muchvwelcome to link up with @viktorialeach and talk with her about seeing if theres any thing to help assist her\us. As for me i just need to take a step back from all social media as its taking a toll on my mental state & summers comming & i need to start planning thing for us to go do over being couped up in a hot as apartment. Its time for our P.W.T.(Poor White Trash) summer adventures.. Hahahahaha✌💚

Ok I will reach out to her. Does she use discord? I’m glad you are prioritizing your mental health over being here.

You actually are earning way quicker than alot of people. And raising rank and reputation quick! Just keep doing exactly this. Hang on and keep making progress.

How am i earning cash to help my family? Im not earning a bloody thing bud. Just a bunch of cyber crap i cant do nothing with. Im over this social media garbage.

Its very much appreciated. I will just leave the account be then. We truly do appreciate those whom shared the link. This all is taking a toll on my ptsd and mental state. Ive been over social media for awhile now. I will continue to sell my modded amazon fire sticks as that proven to pay more. Im not all that BOOK SMART for steemit. ✌💚

So can I set up the fundition for you? I think that is one of the problems with steemit it’s not easy enough for everyone to use.

I understand about the social media. My mental health greatly improved after leaving Facebook alone for the most part. I still have an account and some communities I check but I no longer scroll that feed and check it throughout the day. It’s so much better.

I’m an empath and I was taking on everyone’s shit. Facebook is really good for highlighting the worst parts of society.