I don’t think you can delete the account. Isn’t the blockchain forever? I commented on another of your posts to try fundition and upfundme. I can set up a campaign for her. I’ve made a couple so far. I would do it so that all of the earnings go to her account or yours if that’s what she wants.
I will reach out to Viktoria also to offer my support. It’s terrible what she’s going through and it’s a shame that her doctors have let her down so badly.
I think we can make a difference on this platform. Let’s try it. I’ll go ahead and share the gofundme too but please let me help with your steem fundraising.
I know it’s frustrating. I know how low-income folks are mistreated medically. I see you. I see that you care deeply for your wife and you don’t want to see her in pain.
Your very muchvwelcome to link up with @viktorialeach and talk with her about seeing if theres any thing to help assist her\us. As for me i just need to take a step back from all social media as its taking a toll on my mental state & summers comming & i need to start planning thing for us to go do over being couped up in a hot as apartment. Its time for our P.W.T.(Poor White Trash) summer adventures.. Hahahahaha✌💚
Ok I will reach out to her. Does she use discord? I’m glad you are prioritizing your mental health over being here.