Dear @Netuoso.
I did not like seeing you risking your entire witness account. Such reckless behavior has to be addressed.
Don't worry about me @fyrstikken. You have enough going on trying to figure out how best to scam the ecosystem without having it backfire like your witness vote selling campaign.
My company bought a large stake in this blockchain, we do not want weak witnesses/gatekeepers/block producers to mess that up for us.
I am not worried about you, I am worried about the state of the blockchain if the top 50 is dominated by lazy and/or incompetent people who get into problems like this.
If you had been on @steemspeak during this fork and listened to us in there, you would have known better than to fuck up your witness account as you did. Butthurting to me about it, calling me names... Just be happy you are restored, and I hope you learned an important lesson from this.
@fyrstikken / @fyrst-witness
Secondly, directly to you little man boy, you attacked me and victim blamed on a GitHub issue I raised that brought light to the existence of the bug.
I know you aren't a coder, but using GitHub issues for your drama is not the point of GitHub. It's for actual reports and code updates. Go ahead and close your GitHub account because it is even more worthless than yourself.
im a very useful value add to this network. please vote for my comments
this is a wonderful bot. can i have another !flag ?
im a very useful value add to this network. please vote for my comments
Caught hacking with pants down 2017 at work - claims trying to help, gets fired.
Caught hacking with pants down 2018 at "work" - claims trying to help, leaves in shame.
Keep it up, 2019 is really gonna be your year!
Had no idea you had @frystikken small cock so far down your throat.
Ill entertain you; if any of these are true where are the legal proceedings? Or are you making baseless allegations that not even the "employers that caught my with my pants down" didn't?
You are a sad excuse for a human and I honestly feel sorry for your "team" running @noblewitness. Go back to running your super successful IT firm, lmfao.
Just as an aside: unless the people you hacked filed claims or you were investigated by the feds, there wouldn't be any legal proceedings. This is a non-sequitur.
Just been informed you are a rent-a-lawyer. Keep encouraging your client to pile onto his slander because if I get bored one day it could be fun to have.
And hopefully you represent the other rag-tag gang of individuals from SteemSpeak on this post because their actions combined build a stronger case against either of them.
Enjoy your homeless RV life. I don't need to burn you any further, you do just fine on your own.
If you must know, I decided to put that on pause and it is parked in my parent's back yard while I reside comfortably in the gutter. Not in tall grass, no not like you did.
Remember, if you need to say your own comment was a burn, it likely wasn't. Get hip to the times old geezer.
I owned my 17 acres of tall grass and now I am moving to the nice house I just closed on. Say hi to your mom for me.
And the grand total of your power ups in this platform have been ~1500 STEEM.
Loving the successful life. You surely put me in my place. Can't wait to have to take cold showers from the creek.
Thanks for contacting Pancakes Express!
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Ah yes. Children dance around eating popcorn. Adults enjoy something a little bit more refined, like delicious pancakes.
Going forward, I would highly suggest you consider your investment in this network and think about what it would mean to you if you no longer had the ability to transact (power down, transfer, delegate, update witness, etc). I know I will take my account working again as a miracle and take a step back and re-evaluate my level of risk involved in such an unpredictable network. Perhaps when things stabilize a bit Steem will be as appealing an investment to me as it ever was.
This is the part that worries me in this post. It sounds a bit Banfieldian to suggest people should leave, while being a fairly high level witness. I'll likely irritate you with this comment @netuoso, because I understand you and your assertion which is essentially analogue to "do your own research, invest wisely" is in and of itself, logical advice.
But to Fyrst's point, witness optics, are a thing... #justsayin
Your and his comment amongst many others I saw are reasons why I will be removing my large stake and divesting into other, safer projects.
Not sure how this is bad because I have had a larger stake than a lot of the top 20 witnesses since before I was a top witness. Don't be jealous that my stake is larger than yours (you have like 600 Steem?) and I have decided to divest a bit. And yes, I recommend that people reevaluate if they are ok with a blockchain that can lock in their funds for a decade and then victim blame the user for the system fuckup. Just go ask for more free delegation so you can use steem to pretend to save the world while you get fat on other people's dime, Sally Struthers.
@fyrstikken my account has nothing to do with you little man boy. Had Steem actually destroyed my account, my witness was running unaffected. In fact, I was suggested to exploit my witness to force transactions thru with negative RC balance. Regardless, you aren't a respectable character around here and all you do is scream and cry like a child throwing a tantrum. You cant code shit and you have no idea what you are talking about. You just throw dumb money at dumber problems.
I'm not jealous, I own my company, I'm not fired from it for black hat hacking on production systems, and I don't have to make fun of you behind your back to pretty girls to get their attention. I already had it. Who is jealous of who?
As for stake. Sorry you took a beating. I sold at the height of the market and im buying again, not bailing with egg on my face and mass losses. Just sayin'
I haven't talked to you for more than a few minutes about random bullshit and because you are an emotional toddler and you won't go the fuck away.
Take a hint dude. No one likes you. That's why MSP kicked you out also.
Again, go on with your scam ass "charity". You never had much invested in steem so don't try to fool the public. You aren't fooling me.
Wow. You don't get out much, do you?
Now, that statement could be edited to read: "No one at MSP likes you." That's because the liberal dosing of a very toxic Kool-Aid goes on there. It seems people are not encouraged to think for themselves but must adopt a certain pack's distressing to watch, but nothing can be done so here we are. It seems you drank your share and then some of that Kool-Aid.
Just one more point proving how out of touch you are.
You are the only witness I ever unvoted, Netty. I saw how you behaved in private MSP channels last year, what an arrogant bully you are, and how disdainfully you spoke about "smaller" users who reached out to you. You said they weren't even worth responding to, that you wouldn't even have a conversation with anyone under a certain SP. That told me all I would ever need to know about you.
Your massive vote made me lose sleep for weeks
And without proof your words are pointless. Go find logs or a screenshot. You can't because I never said such bullshit woman.
So prove that YAH is a "scammy ass charity." You can't, because that's bullshit man.
Nah, you recall history wrong. I quit and sammos lapdog banned well after that because i kept exposing his scams, where are they now? And aggroed is scared enough of real substance that he literally bullies his own staff out of downright fear. Happy to publish the proof, only they already put him on a leash and muzzled him in an internal trial when they saw the proof.
See, vapor cant stand up to a solid substance. Hence why you can sling mud and I can sling facts.
As to the "scam ass charity" - cool the people all over the world who have benefited, disagree and the proof is all in the chain, open to the world to review.
I dont sneak around at night hacking my way through life in shame, like you did from New Orleans and are doing right now.
And that really burns your ass, doesn't it.
roflmao, you sound so small right now. But then you are only like 4 feet tall so... goes with the territory?
It is like conversing with a mental patient that escaped the hospital. And like you said, me being from New Orleans, I have seen a lot of that.
Keep pulling back the veil for the general public here. You are too insignificant to most to be known, but its fun seeing you attack your own image.