Post HF20 Conclusions – Are we spending too much time online?

in #hf206 years ago (edited)

Post HF20 Conclusions

You might be very well aware that not so long ago most people, the smaller accounts, weren’t able to use the blockchain due to HF20 changes, there were some turbulence, and we ended up with billions of negative RCs, and small VP. You probably already know all this, I’m sure that by now you read plenty of articles on the matter since a big chunk of the users published posts around this subject.

But, this post is not similar to the ones that came before it, not even close. I would’ve published it earlier but, I’m going through some changes right now, and they are taking up a lot of my free time, and energy, more on that in another post maybe.

Firstly, I’m sure that you know how addictive the Social Media in general is, and, even if Steem is entirely different, it’s still a SM platform at the end of the day. Due to all the rewards, cool perks, and epic feedback you can get; it’s like a 24/7 ego boost which possibly makes it even more addictive. And while all that is epic because we’re part of something bigger, part of the future, most people don’t know what to do in the absence of this blockchain with their time.


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Don’t get me wrong, I am no different, I’m hooked on this thing since joining; Steem has become a lifestyle for me, literally. But, honestly, how healthy is it to be online this much in the end?

I noticed that most people were eager for the blockchain to go back up, most people had no patience to wait until things get fixed. People got withdrawal symptoms only after a handful of hours without Steem. Of course, many people were losing money since the blockchain was not working correctly but, I think there’s more to this than just financial losses.

As I was talking to some friends, Steem has, indeed, became a lifestyle, and I’m sure you can relate to this as well. It’s what I’ve been doing for the last 17 months, I got used to waking up, and going to sleep thinking about this ecosystem, it became a part of me, and I’m sure you’re in a similar situation as well.

And, of course, when you’re used to doing something every day, and you’re prived of that thing for a while, you freak out, and that’s what we saw now with a big chunk of the community.

Are we spending too much time online?

And here comes the issue, and I’m sure you can relate to this as well, we are all using Steem non-stop; this is where we share our life, this is where we interact with new people, this is where we interact with old friends, this is where we have fun, and we’re on all the time.

Steem and this community have become such a huge part of our lives that we might find it difficult to define ourselves without mentioning this platform, and what we’re doing here, call it an addiction, call it a lifestyle, it is part of who we are now. If Steem is taking over your life completely if you’re not going out anymore if you’re not interacting with real humans as much as you used to then, I say, take a break, and think about your lifestyle for a bit.


Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Everything that we’re doing here is epic but, don’t let the online interactions replace your offline life. There’s a time to be online, work your ass off, and interact with strangers over the internet. And there’s a time to go outside, have a little bit of real-life fun, meet new people, and do what you enjoy the most.

This is not necessarily a specific issue only for this ecosystem but, probably an issue met on the entire internet since this online medium is taking over our lives, deteriorating our real-life relationships. But, because you are my community because some of you are people that I really like, I feel like it is necessary to bring this matter up, and have an open chat about it. Total abstinence from the internet might not be the answer but, just cutting down on the online time, and enjoying life more, could be a good enough solution.

I think more people should have breaks from the blockchain, real breaks where they actually enjoy the outside time, not those bullshit ones where you’re part offline, part online.

Take a break, and enjoy your life because when you come back, the blockchain will still be here for sure.

Thank you for reading.

P.S: I’d love if you could answer me this one question, who are you without this blockchain? Who is the real you, not this online character.

Thumbnail in the curtosy of @Sndbox

New Gif.gif


I have to agree with you on this topic. People already left steemit because it was too much for them. It is better to make a break and return later then to make too much and never return.

For the question: My introduceyourself post could I think describe very well what I would be without this blockchaine (student that has a lot of free time and likes to party and play computer games with others). You probably know that I am not the most regular bloger and so I don't think that many will change, because nearly everyone that I know from steemit is also on a discord server with me that way we could still talk and write to each other.

Indeed, those burnouts are a real pain in the ass, I've heard some of the stories. Either breaks or just going fully into your actions could work. By that I mean, when you're offline, be fully offline, and the same when you're online. At least that's the way I'm looking at it.

I heard you Germans like to party, we'll see how true it's that at SF, haha.

Indeed, discord and the other chatrooms from are sure of great help to keep in touch with your fellow Steemians; I always try to use them even if I'm in a period where I don't manage to post much.

Btw I had to take luggage for the flight and so I will be abble to bring some German beer.

Awesome to hear that, make sure to bring the best. I'll have to bring some Romanian Palinka as well.

Hmm I'm tempted to say 'no' (duh, 'cause that figures..) but you might be on to something here. Because no, I mean we're doing something useful and worthwhile, we're not just browsing cat-vids on Facebook or something, so....we're not wasting time that way.

But at the same time, every second on Steemit, worthy thought it may be, takes us away from our "real" lives.

So yeah and no.

That is indeed true; we're doing something epic here, we're not just spending time on useless entertainment. But, even if I don't believe in a work-life balance, I do think that people should spend more time with real humans, not just online ones.

I think what matters the most is the quality of the time you spend online/offline because, if you're 100% dedicated to what you're doing, it is worth it for sure.

Well, it's good SF is coming up, that way we can spend real time with our favorite online people. Okay, that might be wrong :))

Yes! I'm eager for SF to come, one month to go. But, we gotta figure out the weather issue, I hate cold weather. I think that a combination of cheap whiskey and palinka might be the perfect solution. :D

Okay I'm definitely hanging out with you at SF :)))
I know, I'm the same, I'm already horrified at the thought of packing sweaters :/ See, your idea's much better.

Feel you. I have to figure out the perfect clothes to booze ratio until then; I think I'm close to something that might work.

Well, the Polish surely have decent booze, so I think we're good :p

You are definitely spending too much time online kid. You are like 18.. Get off of steem and party!!!

That might be very well true Nic. Still, I have my fair share of partying, just not as much as I used to before Steem. At least now I can party with Steemians, soon, so that's great as well.

Good to hear from you, man. :)

you too!!!

You got a 34.74% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @guyfawkes4-20!