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RE: Post HF20 Conclusions – Are we spending too much time online?

in #hf206 years ago

That is indeed true; we're doing something epic here, we're not just spending time on useless entertainment. But, even if I don't believe in a work-life balance, I do think that people should spend more time with real humans, not just online ones.

I think what matters the most is the quality of the time you spend online/offline because, if you're 100% dedicated to what you're doing, it is worth it for sure.


Well, it's good SF is coming up, that way we can spend real time with our favorite online people. Okay, that might be wrong :))

Yes! I'm eager for SF to come, one month to go. But, we gotta figure out the weather issue, I hate cold weather. I think that a combination of cheap whiskey and palinka might be the perfect solution. :D

Okay I'm definitely hanging out with you at SF :)))
I know, I'm the same, I'm already horrified at the thought of packing sweaters :/ See, your idea's much better.

Feel you. I have to figure out the perfect clothes to booze ratio until then; I think I'm close to something that might work.

Well, the Polish surely have decent booze, so I think we're good :p

Yes! Only one thing I can add.

"Wine is fine but whiskey's quicker, Suicide is slow with liquor." :)

Fuck, man, I like you. Smart guy, good taste and now Ozzy....all I can say is nice.
Really made me smile :)