The End Of The Daily Pick Of Hidden Gems (featuring @dragonslayer109 as author)

in #hidden-gems9 years ago

I'm posting this with @gavvet because that's where it all began... during the time when my account was hacked and I was waiting to get it recovered.

All good things must come to an end to allow the space for improvement or for something better.

When I stated the Daily Pick of Hidden Gems I had no Idea where it would go and its been a wild ride.

In some respects it led the way and set the example that some have followed and its great to see entire initiatives focused simply on identifying and curating new or unrecognized authors.

It was wonderful the last couple of weeks to find posts that I had selected had already been found by the time my Daily Picks went up. Kudos to the Curie team for their undercover efforts that we now know about. With Curie going strong its time for a change.

Change is a good thing. Many people are scared of change as it is the new and might be out of your comfort zone.


I decided to have a look at all the posts and people I had featured and how things were going. Lets start with some positive. Some are doing really well posting great content everyday and the value of their posts are in the double digits.

Sadly this is not the case for everyone as some are still posting great content with nothing on it at all. This is not the worst thing that I had noticed. A lot of those which have been featured in my daily gems before are no longer active on this site.

My thoughts

Image credit

I believe in giving a person a fishing rod and looking back at my featuring of posts in gems I was giving them a fish. One featured post was simply not enough to help them stand on their own and be able to make something.

Just as a saying goes, you can give a person a fish to satisfy their hunger but tomorrow they will be hungry again and require another fish. Sadly I can't feature the same person everyday in my daily gems. It would be unfair to others.


This isn't so much the end of the daily gems, it is the start of something new, something better and I am hoping that this would be more of a fishing rod than the pick of hidden gems.

The hidden gems has made a bigger impact than what I originally thought it would make and has set a pace for others to follow.

Helping others helps you in the end, it is like teaching where the teacher learns more than the students.

For those of you out there that want to give up. Stay strong and keep posting your great content, you add value to this platform. Even if only one person sees your post remember that it will change something inside them and that makes your post even more valuable.


You guys have provided a great service with this. I especially have admired how focused you have been on finding some good posts every day. Back when I started the Spotlight newsletter, before July 4, we weren't having these frequent payouts. What you have done, curating and scooping up good posts that need attention right away, has been much harder.

I appreciate your mention of Project Curie. I think curation efforts are adding new value to Steemit by directing rewards to where they are most needed and deserved. However, I do not think that Curie spelled the end of your series; both could continue, if you wanted. There are more good posts than we can find.

Being rewarded for finding these posts is another story. I have seen so many cycles already where certain kinds of posts are making money and then it slows down or stops as the interest moves elsewhere. Some things that used to be popular are not as successful anymore. Steemit evolves very quickly and we cannot really know where it will go next.

I invite you and anyone else who enjoys curating to submit worthy posts to our #curie channel on We will be glad to pay you finders fees for any posts that we are able to upvote. Our project's budget is fairly lean, but we want to make sure to reward anyone who contributes posts.

Thanks again for your Daily Picks, which have made Steemit better.

@donkeypong thank you for your reply. I love and support your project a lot. The daily pick has come under fire due to you guys finding the posts and upvoting them making the posts no longer "hidden" according to haters. I am starting a new project that will hopefully be better than the daily pick as I will be moving away from promoting individual posts but rather an author to allow them to get more followers and get them seen thus allowing for all their future posts to get more value on them. SO it isnt really a stop to the hidden gems but more of an update to help people out better. I will be posting about it to as some people would like to see and understand how it will work. Project Curie didn't end my hidden gems but has directed it to something that could help out much more.

As a minnow, I appreciate what you all do for invisible content. My attitude since finding Steemit has been that we can only control our own output. Who sees it, who values it, who upvotes it... that's beyond my control. But even if no value is added to the platform, my simply being here, motivated to write on a daily basis, that creates value for me, individually! That's huge, and something I didn't have before. I also believe that consistent effort, the daily human action of writing and reading others' work, will pay off. How much and when, again, beyond my control. But I know it will.

I am not a great writer and I am also not an academic, but I do enjoy reading the posts. Unfortunately I don't have enough time to read the many posts that are written. My wife already complains that she now plays 2nd fiddle!! to steemit.Hi @drogonslayer109

m8 one suggestion to you . Happy wife happy life

I totally agree with you on that one and don't worry I do keep her happy.

Good thoughts.
The boost helps good authors, even if they don't maintain the momentum. I was blessed with getting some good attention with about my 6th article. The result was an almost instant jump over 100 followers. Since then my followers have grown and I tend to have more consistency in my payouts. They're still mostly small (with some nice ones the last couple of weeks), but more consistently getting attention.
This aspect alone probably makes it worth it. If they pick up more followers, then you've done them a great service and given them far more to work with.

my new "gems" will be focused of getting followers to the authors I feature

Hi @gavvet Thank you for featuring people using your influence and following to help them out. It's a prime example of #DoGoodThings

I'd thought about 'adopting' a newbie for a month to help promote and highlight them. While I don't have a lot of influence, I'm pleased to say the growth I've had is very organic. My thought is longevity and success comes with building a rock solid foundation. Kudos to you both!@dragonslayer109 - I love your community focus and definitely will be checking on your posts from now on. I've seen too many people get frustrated and leave - not because they're not making gazillions of dollars but because they feel invisible.

My next section I will be doing will be helping those who are invisible

@dragonslayer109 - Thank you ver much for your advice and support. You certainly are one of those adding value here! @gavvet Thank you for your preliminary expression of interest to support the Italian-speaking community!

Thank you for good post which give us encouragement and motivation to do something good and better than the first. I appreciate it.

@dragonslayer109 thanks for all your effort helping authors, it's sad that some of those people did not stick it out. As the saying goes "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink."

@gavet - shoutout for featuring this post to get more eyeballs on it.

I wish people had stayed and pushed through

Thank you for your advice, I enjoy your posts and will continue to try to find my niche on steem and utilise it to its full potential!!

thanks for supporting the community!

Is the reason you stopped because you aren't on the whale-bot list anymore?

Such dedication much years.

Amazing how trolls hunt in packs... you have done what exactly to build this community?

No need to get butthurt. Robin Hood Whale.

please have a look that it isnt stopping but becoming something else. something better. how about actually reading the post

Time will tell just how noble the RHW is.... true colors have been shown to those who are observant

How about concentrating on your South African ring :). RHW has been clean from the get go and will stay clean aslong as I manage it.

Also not a clue.... still "wet behind the ears" and still chasing your tails... round and round in circles you little trolls go... with little comprehension of anything but your own mistaken hasty, unresearched conclusions.... but I'm done feeding the trolls

Robinhood whale is a joke 😂 20-30$ for the authors is such wow

I guess getting $0 from hidden gems is better ;)


This isn't so much the end of the daily gems, it is the start of something new, something better and I am hoping that this would be more of a fishing rod than the pick of hidden gems.

Well, what a coincidence, just as the community reacted and the hidden gems made 50$ instead of 300$+++ , you stopped.
For the record: after you stopped making 300$+ on every hiddengem post, you continued for exactly SIX DAYS! that's how much your commitment is worth.
But, I'm sure is just a coincidence!
"Stay strong and keep posting your great content, you add value to this platform. " Maybe follow your own advice:)

Good luck on your future endeavors!

Amazing how trolls hunt in packs... you have done what exactly to build this community?

$50 is $50 so you obviously have no clue.... and that's often what the GEMS did in the past but it led the way to better things... How many people were doing this type of thing when it started.... oh yes.... you weren't even around then.

Sure,attacking me for not finding the site before you did is a smart thing to do. Thank you for that, I now understand the "you had to be there" saying.
Also, no idea why you reply, did I say anything bad about you?
But that's how it is, isn't it? Ad hominem is fair game when you are powerful but commenting in a civilized way is now "trolling".
Good luck to you too.

Hardly... just pointing out that you shouldn't be trying to put things "For the record:" when you are still "wet behind the ears"

One of the reason I would never attack a person on Steemit is that we have lives beyond this site. Our cumulative experience outside are unknown and important. You have no idea what I did or didn't do and how "wet behind the ears" I am. I am not a kid. Talking down on me only demeans yourself.
That said, I hold no grudge and no hate.
Good luck on your steemit adventure.

If no grudge and no hate?

Why are you and @repholder out of your secure little chat room trolling my post?

if you havent read the passage properly please dont give crappy replies as this isnt the end but only the beginning of something better


This isn't so much the end of the daily gems, it is the start of something new, something better and I am hoping that this would be more of a fishing rod than the pick of hidden gems.

You caledl me "hater" before. I am not a hater. If what you do will have the desired effect, I will be the first to applaud and support your initiative.
As I said, good luck ;)

A little honesty doesn't hurt

  • You post this with gavvet because you lost a whale's push

  • You are stopping the service because you lost a whale's push

Really, is that simple. The help we got wasn't much. I admit gavvet upvoted me once or twice but failed to engage in conversation. You promoted an article of mine but really the gap in wealth from the early days cannot be covered from any of us. If I didn't have dantheman following me I will still be earning pennies.

Overall thank you for the help but please don't pretend that the rest of us don't know what really is going on. You guys became an entire different class by just copy-pasting. I mean. Come. On!

It's a hard fall when you get up in the sky fast—with little or no effort. We got it that it became a family business. Just don't put so much gravy on it. It's embarrasing.

Great support from someone I have featured and helped out many times before and never complained then...



This isn't so much the end of the daily gems, it is the start of something new, something better and I am hoping that this would be more of a fishing rod than the pick of hidden gems.

next time try put in effort to read the whole article maybe then you will understand what I am doing and the gems never started with much value on them in the first place BTW FYI do your homework and stop putting up crappy comments where you have no idea what is actually going on

And BTW me posting with gavvet was made really clear in the article. IT ALSO IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS WHAT HE DOES AND WHAT I DO

Dude. I said thank you. Didn't I? Also it was YOUR JOB. You were given the whale privilage to do just that.

-Step 1: Copy-Paste
-Step 2: $$$

Really, I could do it too and then ask people to thank me because I was "too nice to them". Get real now. I spoke because I can't have someone insult my intelligence.

I read the whole article. No need to copy -paste me what you said to other people. Ofcourse is our business when 4 people control 25% of the posting market and even pushing certain authors. I rarely saw a science article but plenty of religious ones. Now how's that for diversity? The Steemit frontpage looks like a medieval cult and you want to attract people?

It my business to know what is going on and who is with who— as it is for everybody else. Because if this doesn't stop somehow nobody is going to even bother to stick around and explain it to you like I do.

I spend hours to make quality matrial and I see copy-pastas earning hundreds more. Many have already left. Most of the people i was following or followed just left. really. 80% of them stopped posting. How's that for a "good samaritan" plan?

You guys got FILTHY rich in respect to the rest and you just say "we just wantd to help"

really. is a copy-paste worth 500 SD? is it?

Step 1 find out exactly why things happened the way they did instead of making assumptions

Step 2 if you so great why didnt you come up with a solution or maybe tried doing something to help out. I would be open to any suggestions on improving the way I do things... yet you choose to do this... is it getting us anywhere... nope so whats the point... greed taken over maybe just a little... or even jealousy?... Yet the way that you choose to interact with me... you insulting your own intelligence... ever considered that?

Step 3 until you discover this I will be ignoring you ... thank you :)

I am involved with the RHW project. We did start from scratch.

This is not about jealousy. This is about making the platform stick and get more people without scaring them away.

i made a few points and you just can't accept criticism.

If you think that people upvoted this post or any other because they are quality you are dellusional. simply it is because of the whales. it is a jerk circle. I know what is going with steemit, the bitshares bailout and who is your investor that pushed you from South Africa. We all do. we are 2-3 months in.

If people are shut in the dark then nobody is going to trust the platform. We are all here to make money. killing the goose that lays the golden eggs doesn't really help anyone.

kyriacos Created.....2016-07-30 T 04:23:48...... the blockchain doesn't seem to agree with your 2-3 month claim. I have 0 involvement with bitshares and pray tell I would love to know about "my investor"

I was frankly disappointed to see you involved with RHW(wimp/weasel/whiner) take your pick... as said before I respected your intellect more... I see the little band of merry men even have you gang trolling with them trying to entrench their narratives.

Wake up buddy...

kyriacos, my friend, I obviously respect your intellect way more than you do your own.

You know we have done far more than copy paste... and my account was worth well over 100k before I featured anyone.

That was from hard graft and promoting the platform pre 4th July. I mined a max of 25 steem and I spent real $$$$ of my own to powerup and buy SBD for trading.

I was the first to pay out 100% SBD and over 40k SBD has gone to authors... The steem price is heading back to more realistic levels so the SP that stayed with me is worth a fraction of what the authors get. I'm sure you can do the math.

I do believe more should go to the authors. Way more. People are leaving guys. Can't you see that they are discouraged from all these tactics? It's a downward spiral from here on. The game ends with the whales promoting themselves until everything is drained completely.

How can anyone stay in the platform if they see the investors getting back so much directly? That's like inviting them in order to use them— even if they get 2 times 300SD. People that make 20+ posts see it as pointless. That divides next to nothing and obviously it doesn't pick up from there on because simply the model is faulty.

I have 4000 members in my group, freethinkers, people who abide to ideas of freedom, religious (atheist) or state(anarchy) but they don't even want to come near the platform because it looks, feeels an tastes like a ponzi. I can't find an excuse to convince them when they see your accounts and how the economics work.

The price after the 4th July was an anomaly. The platform was thrust into the spotlight prematurely... I doubt its a downward spiral rather than a return to more realistic levels where the distribution of stake can be normalized.

I'm in agreement that the model needs adjusting... brewing a post on exactly that point as we speak.

The platform needs a lot more maturation before it will be ready for prime time... To many imbalances currently

Great work I always loved reading the daily gems I just started doing one for psychology writers I hope we get more this content on Steemit. You can check it out Here
if you'd like to read. I will be featuring #psychology and #life writers. I hope most will like and submit.

I am looking forward to what you can provide in the future, Keep it up.

Thx 4 Encouragement

The post can be found here Hello @gavvet & @dragonslayer109, I just stopped by to let you know that I included this post in my favourite reads on my Steemit Ramble today.

Great post gavvet... having been on here a couple of weeks now it is still somewhat confusing in the manner in which posts and votes are valued. I see posts with many votes and little earning value and posts with few votes but high earnings... to a newcomer as myself and many others it is very odd and difficult to make any sense of. I have read as much as available from the steemit community about how to correctly post and interpret the voting. But still it is confusing and I can see how authors would get frustrated.

Personally I am in for the long haul as steemit has become part of my self-publishing game plan and I understand the value of increasing my online presence with such a radical and advanced community as this. No pain, no gain. That being said... it is very strange......

votes carry value with them determined by the steem power the voter holds this way the more SP you have the more your votes are worth. This in turn stops a person from making thousands of bots and upvoting their own post with these thousand of bots