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RE: The End Of The Daily Pick Of Hidden Gems (featuring @dragonslayer109 as author)

in #hidden-gems9 years ago (edited)

Dude. I said thank you. Didn't I? Also it was YOUR JOB. You were given the whale privilage to do just that.

-Step 1: Copy-Paste
-Step 2: $$$

Really, I could do it too and then ask people to thank me because I was "too nice to them". Get real now. I spoke because I can't have someone insult my intelligence.

I read the whole article. No need to copy -paste me what you said to other people. Ofcourse is our business when 4 people control 25% of the posting market and even pushing certain authors. I rarely saw a science article but plenty of religious ones. Now how's that for diversity? The Steemit frontpage looks like a medieval cult and you want to attract people?

It my business to know what is going on and who is with who— as it is for everybody else. Because if this doesn't stop somehow nobody is going to even bother to stick around and explain it to you like I do.

I spend hours to make quality matrial and I see copy-pastas earning hundreds more. Many have already left. Most of the people i was following or followed just left. really. 80% of them stopped posting. How's that for a "good samaritan" plan?

You guys got FILTHY rich in respect to the rest and you just say "we just wantd to help"

really. is a copy-paste worth 500 SD? is it?


Step 1 find out exactly why things happened the way they did instead of making assumptions

Step 2 if you so great why didnt you come up with a solution or maybe tried doing something to help out. I would be open to any suggestions on improving the way I do things... yet you choose to do this... is it getting us anywhere... nope so whats the point... greed taken over maybe just a little... or even jealousy?... Yet the way that you choose to interact with me... you insulting your own intelligence... ever considered that?

Step 3 until you discover this I will be ignoring you ... thank you :)

I am involved with the RHW project. We did start from scratch.

This is not about jealousy. This is about making the platform stick and get more people without scaring them away.

i made a few points and you just can't accept criticism.

If you think that people upvoted this post or any other because they are quality you are dellusional. simply it is because of the whales. it is a jerk circle. I know what is going with steemit, the bitshares bailout and who is your investor that pushed you from South Africa. We all do. we are 2-3 months in.

If people are shut in the dark then nobody is going to trust the platform. We are all here to make money. killing the goose that lays the golden eggs doesn't really help anyone.

kyriacos Created.....2016-07-30 T 04:23:48...... the blockchain doesn't seem to agree with your 2-3 month claim. I have 0 involvement with bitshares and pray tell I would love to know about "my investor"

I was frankly disappointed to see you involved with RHW(wimp/weasel/whiner) take your pick... as said before I respected your intellect more... I see the little band of merry men even have you gang trolling with them trying to entrench their narratives.

Wake up buddy...