Hello @elleseelx. One of the instances I heard of involved someone being certain Richard Chamberlain had died a couple of decades ago, when he was still alive. The person had their wires crossed - it was actually Rock Hudson who died. The most famous being bandied about is the Berenstain Bears whom a lot of people believe were called 'Berenstein' Bears. Now, I remember something about this from when I was a kid, and there was a confusion even back then because people didn't get the name right. So, this mistake was passed on for decades. Also, Shazaam did exist. You can read this post about it: ~~~ embed:Shazaam/comments/5m8o02/shazam_shazaam_with_sinbad_was_real_and_here_is/?st=j5kyp8bz&sh=e0de0318 Also, http://imgur.com/4yoZpd1 I remember a show from childhood called 'The Rovers'. Very few other people do because it was so short-lived. If you research it now, you would have a hard time finding info on it. But i did a few years back. The problem is we live in an internet age where, if you can't find it, then some people believe it never was, and/or mix it up with something else. Your Shazaam existed. The link has the proof. reddit metadata: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 ~~~
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hey @ajdohmen , thanks for chiming in with a few other examples! Never heard of the Chamberlain one but the Berenstain Bears one I was also confused by. I believed it to be Berenstein as well, but as a kid, I could easily see how it was mistaken and regularly pronounced wrong. The reddit thread did not help at all, no one has been able to prove that that cover is real, and the few links references the april fools joke sinbad did this year, was a joke because of this, he still denies the movie being real. Misspelling a name or word I can understand. Having someone say a single word "shazaam" and immediately picturing sinbad decked out as a genie in purple and yellow, and the same thing happened to millions of people, there's no way this is a case of people creating false memories. Everyone knew the actor, everyone knew exactly what the cover was, and a lot of people knew the same scenes ( I did not recall anything about the movie outside of the cover, so I can't group myself in that piece) It's funny because I have legit never heard of a shaq movie called kazaam prior to all of this, I would've pegged that one as the fake movie if you put those to movie covers next to each other. I just can't shake the goosebumps on this one.
I have to admit it is an interesting case, if only because I seem to remember hearing something about it years ago ,now that you have mentioned it. But that could be just one of those weird deja-vu moments that sometimes happen during a brain fart. I actually believe in a lot of things, just not people actually crossing over from other dimensions and changing things in ours. Who knows? I don't. I still think it was just a case of confusion over something that happened when the movie came out, sort of like the Berenstain thing. It's something to think about - for me, at least.
have you read dark matter? I should do a review on it soon, good book!
No, I've never heard of the book. I will have to look into what it is about. If you write the review, I will certainly read it.