The Mandela Effect and How it Does Not Apply to Nazi Internment Camps

in #history8 years ago

I don't ascribe to the Mandela Effect as a way of explaining why a memory may not match up with a current reality. We all have brain farts; those moments when, through distraction or something else, the brain doesn't process information correctly. To me, the reason so many people probably believed Mandela died in jail was simply because, while he was in jail, they heard a rumor to that effect. Maybe, they even saw something about it on the news. Their brain responded by filing Nelson Mandela under 'deceased', and they didn't bother thinking of it anymore. Later on, the rumors were proven false, but their brain still kept the folder labelled 'Mandela - Deceased' somewhere in its depths, and failed to update it. It happens all the time. Your brain remembers that you put your keys on the table, but forgets to update that information when you pick them up and put them in your pocket.

Even though the Mandela Effect affected thousands of people, it is explicable as a simple trick of the mind. A rumor imprinting itself in your brain as an actual fact. It happens all the time. I once worked with a young woman who, when she changed departments, changed her name, too. This was done in order to avoid confusion when taking customer calls, as there was already someone in that department with the same name. Well, to make it brief, my brain split her into two people, and it was not until the day that I actually had to think of her as single person, with a specific face and name, that I realized I'd done it.

All that said, I suddenly feel like I've fallen down the rabbit hole and come out in a weird version of Wonderland.

You see, when I was growing up, the idea of Nazi concentration camps was widely met with skepticism. Jewish organizations were lobbying governments and international organizations in the hopes of getting someone, somewhere, to recognize the fact that these places had actually existed. Practically the whole world responded with a 'Pffft! Bullshit!'. As far as I knew, my mother and father were the only people who actually acknowledged that there had been such places, and that was because my grandfather had actually seen one while serving on the eastern front.

No, my grandfather had not seen mile-high smokestacks belching out greasy, black smoke. What he encountered was a man in an inmate's uniform tending the flowers around the camp. My grandfather loved flowers, so he approached the man and asked him about the ones he was taking care of. The man, without displaying any overt signs that might betray the fact that my grandfather had actually spoken to him, said very quietly, 'Don't talk to me. If you do, you'll end up in here, too.'

So we knew that labor camps had existed, and that they were not places filled with happy people. That simply could not be denied, and we, a German ex-pat family, were going against the social grain in acknowledging the fact.

Then something happened. I think it was the UN recognizing the reality of labor camps in Nazi Germany that did it. Suddenly, it was all about 'death camps', and six million Jewish people being slaughtered. Overnight, history was rewritten. I mean that both literally and figuratively. The facts in history books were changed, so that this was now the central focus of WWII history. Books that said otherwise, books that had been written before this change, started to become hard to find. William Shirer, one of the last western reporters to remain inside the Third Reich, and to report the news from within the country, had his reputation attacked and his famous book 'The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich' dissed and disparaged. New 'historians' began to crop up who used a thousand pages trying to find solid evidence that Hitler was Antisemitic, and ending up only being able to present what the author believed Hitler must have been secretly thinking to himself as he performed various actions.

An important digression: In the three decades immediately following the war, it was widely held by historians that Hitler was not Antisemitic. The evidence supports this. When someone pointed out that his favorite cook was Jewish, he simply declared that, as of that moment, the cook was no longer Jewish. Problem solved. There were also other Jewish people on his personal staff, and half-Jews served high up in the military and SS. Historians believed that Hitler's Antisemitism was a political tool. Too many people have conveniently forgotten that in Europe between the two world wars, Antisemitism had become quite a fashionable ideological stance. Hitler had to tap into that in order to gain and keep support. End of digression.

The point is, instead of acknowledging labor camps, an entirely new narrative was formed in/around the mid 1970s. The old understanding was simply wiped out, as if it had never been. We now had to deal with the number of six million Jews dead, as if it were an indisputable fact.

My parents now went from 'labor camps really DID exist', to 'there weren't even that many Jews in Europe when the war broke out!'

This cannot be a simple case of the Mandela Effect, where a number of people, even a very large number of people, are remembering things incorrectly. There is still too much evidence proving the change in the narrative, and too many people still alive who remember how history has been literally changed. Even if I find myself doubting my own memories at times, I find other people who remember how it was, and who are equally concerned about how the original narrative is being written over by a new one. If the new one were the correct one, an updating would be in order. But to wipe out the original narrative and make it look as if it never existed? This is something to be concerned about. In fact, we should have raised the alarm bell a long time ago.

Yes, as Winston Churchill said, 'History is written by the victors'. But when history is being rewritten yet again, decades after the fact, and countries imprison people who dare to point it out, there is something very, very wrong. A new cult is emerging, some people say. The cult of the Holocaust. And, guess what? I hate cults. I really do. Poking around into them and going 'tsk, tsk' is one of my stranger hobbies. So, ladies and gentlemen, I think I have an investigation here, and it will probably end badly for me, as things have a habit of doing.


Image: // public domain


hat down for a fellow truthseeker. i have witnessed some history ironing myself. its really impossible to have a clear stance, because there is not enough information. everyone twisted, deleted or shut off everything. ww2 did happened globally, but every city, every village and every neighborhood have its own history. every family had it different.
"Truth" is everything but a simple and short story, easy to understand. studying ww2 and having a complete picture would take many lifetimes of many people. and many lifetimes for anyone else to get it all together. single head is too small for that, it takes generations. thats why the history is a science, and not just a tool for altering and triggering emotions like official history we all have at schools and political rallies. excuse my english improvisation.

@interceptor, your English is good enough. You are right about that! When we look at history from four hundred years ago, we see things completely differently than they did then, and that is because we are only looking at facts, and not at propaganda. Hats off to you for being a truthseeker.

i am limited to small area of balkan peninsula in ww2. its already impossible to just describe the amount of mess that happened here. 6,7 armies, all vs all, and everyone fought themselves too. after all that ended, we got communists to rewrite it, and they did it twice, while they still loved stalin, and after that.
and not just common people, even most of historians are reasoning as if there were cell phones during ww2.

That is the truth. My grandfather was in that area in the war - in fact, he got away just before the Soviet Army closed around Stalingrad. I have Hungarian roots, so what happened there is a big interest of mine, and it is similar to where you are. One history during the war, another under the communists until the revolution, another after that, and then one more when communism fell. Historians report what they are told to report, and you're right, many of them are probably certain that people used cell phones back then.

I sent you over to @curie because I really liked this post. I hope it helps you get some upvotes. All the best to you. Keep creating great content.

Thank you so much! Most important is that someone appreciated it enough to do that for me! Thanks again.

Of course. You've spoken closely to people that had first hand experience, like my grandmother and other family members in Austria. People need to read those perspectives too....not just the mainstream ones.

YA, try listening to stories of people WHO WERE IN THE CAMPS!! Have you ever??

Yes I have listened to stories of many people that were in the camps. Various family friends and others who'd visited my school.

I've wanted to give voice to the people who were there for a long time. Again, thank you so much.

You are a holocaust denier THAT is what you are. Your thinking and this article is DANGEROUS. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF, by propigating this unfounded, ignorant and insensitive BS YOU single-handedly ARE SETTING OUR ENTIRE SOCIETY BACK. YOUR family was on the OTHER side of the fence, REMEMBER THAT!

SHOES from "collected" and killed jews

confiscated clothes

"NOT THAT MANY" these are at individual locations, do the math. And since I don't want to be like a person shoving dead baby pictures at a person leaving planned parenthood I will leave ONE graphic photo....

This one was just men


Have you actually read the post? I think you'll see that the author is not a holocaust denier. They're merely pointing out discrepancies between some oral traditions and mainstream publications about the holocaust. Along with their opinion on the Mandela Effect. Before calling them & their post dangerous, unfounded, ignorant and insensitive you could try understanding the authors perspective and have a dialogue with them rather than attack them. Would you appreciate the same type of response to one of your posts?

Thank you, again, Josephmcconnell. Sadly, there are times when it is fruitless to even attempt a discussion with people. Their shouting is an intimidation tactic, an attempt to silence other people, not an invitation to discussion. It is not worth the energy that it takes to repudiate their assertions; if she wants to accuse me of being a holocaust denier, then let her. The other readers will make their own judgement on her accusations, and my intentions.

Which makes him an apologist. Let me ask you what use or good is it revise these numbers? You're collectively saying "Well it wasn't that bad"... Why? We need to learn from history not diminish it's impact. Articles like this make ME feel unsafe. And NO, I don't not need to entertain ideas that are harmful to society and the world. My partner is Jewish, hate crimes and messages are on a dramatic increase mostly documented in his homestate of New York. People are being stabbed here in Portland for their beliefs. When I read things like this I go into to fight or flight mode. Before retorting aggressively to me, maybe try to see things from my perspective and have a dialogue instead of just attacking?

Cause this is still a thing.....

This photo was on the front page when I was staying in New York. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA ON HOW THIS MAKES ME FEEL? Like I could kill somebody (hate begets hate). The places your imagination goes, visions of people ripping your lover from your arms, throwing them into a cart taking them from you. Imagining dying or killing someone before you let that happen. Just because I love someone of a certain heritage, someone who doesn't even prescribe to that religion. Those same fears and traumas are triggered by this article. You are deluding history and adding this hateful fire. SHAME ON YOU ALL.

You're deflecting our responses and using them as your own to justify your own initial prejudiced reaction to the original post. The author is being aggressive in response because you outright attacked and bullied the author in your comment. I am not an apologist of the holocaust. I'm defending this authors perspective because everyone has the right to their opinion in an open and free society and it's ignorance and stubbornness that leads to history repeating itself...not just hatred. No one should ever take the official story 100% as the truth. Any smart person knows that history is distorted by those with money and power. The author was not denying the holocaust, rather giving another perspective, one that is no longer accessible in the mainstream. And by having access to varying perspectives on the same subject, one can easier form their own opinion and be better prepared to face any future issues that may be similar. I, nor the poster, was saying 'Well it wasn't that bad' about the holocaust in WW2. Please do not assume that. I understand from your last two responses that you were triggered by the post and are feeling frightened by anti-semitic activities where you live. I'm sorry about that. It's not a good feeling to be scared and walking on egg shells. That graffiti on the NY subway is pretty fucked up. It's frightening that people are spewing that hatred. At the same time, you ask us to see things from your perspective and understand how you feel but then again say SHAME ON YOU ALL. That's not fair. I am not Jewish but I have Jewish family members and friends. Do you think I want to see them harmed? Of course not. Why would anyone want that unless they were a sadistic maniac? I'm part Armenian. My ancestors were raped, tortured and killed in the Armenian holocaust, which is largely denied by the USA because we're allies with Turkey and we need our military bases there. So in order to stay nice, nice with Turkey...we deny that millions of people were slaughtered, including my great grandfather. Both of my grandparents fled their home countries because of different holocausts. One in Germany/Austria. One in Armenia. I'm not insensitive to the gravity of those situations nor any potential future political or humanitarian disasters. I appreciate you responding and keeping the dialogue open & I hope that you don't encounter anymore anti-semitic activities. All the best to you.

And you're deflecting from the most potent point.... "What use or good is it to revise these numbers?" Like the poster said the holocaust was originally denied just like the Armenian genocide or the one committed against Native Americans. How would you feel if someone came up to you and said "Well I've heard about the Armenian genocide but "no one should ever take the official story 100% as the truth" And that people like you, who believed it happened, were in some kind of a cult? Arguing points like.... how can you believe or totally know that it happened when there have been soo many changes to the "narrative"? I mean aggressive?! This post is a slap in the face, and you're here berating me?? Why shouldn't I shame him? Cause it's not fair, or hurts his feelings? This article makes me want to rip my hair out and cry for humanity, their are consequences in this world, what you do EFFECTS OTHER PEOPLE. When you put things out you get things back. Demanding others to fit to your socially acceptable response and script is un-fair, ya' dig?

I am following you, now.
If possible, hope to see you, follow me too ! RegardsHello @ajdohmen Historic post.

Returning the favor and following you. Thanks for the compliment!

I had read a lot about Auschwitz...really a lot...and that gives me jitters n goosebumps sometimes when i think of it and of all that had happened then !
Poor Souls !@ajdohmen

It was a bad time, and many people died for no reason, other than political ones. If you are reading up on the subject, don't forget to read about Nanking/Nanjing, which was another horror of massive scale, and/or the Japanese internment camps on Canadian and US soil. It is a very, very sad story.

i have some question... if hitler was not anti semite, why are so much the people judio that speak her history about her family dead in the concentration camp? my boyfriend is judio, and her grandfather survived and he is the only one who survived his family

i want know your opinion abaut this

also, i want know where i can know more informetion abaut this please, Thank for de post

@fonty, the question was whether he really was, or if it was a political stance. Did he use the rhetoric to gain votes, while not believing it personally. The evidence was that he was just using the rhetoric to gain support. If you want to know more, you need to read histories written in the twenty or so years after the war ended, not modern ones. Also, you could read Republican Party Animal by David Cole / Stein. He went to Auschwitz and asked some very important questions. For raising those questions, the JDL tried to have him killed. I can't say what happened to your boyfriend's family. You don't even mention where they were, or what they say happened. Impossible to guess, even with those details.

my comment will go a bit off the seriousness of the post and the previous comments, but it's more about understanding the mandela effect. Like most, I heard of this effect after running into it myself. A year ago, on Facebook, I saw someone make a comment to a post about this kind of stuff. It was a comment that gave no heavy information to sway my mind in anyway or giveaway the information in the article they were commenting on.. it was something along the lines of "I can't believe you are trying to say Shazaam isn't a real movie" As soon as I saw "shazaam" I immediately pictured the movie cover of Sinbad in a turban, purple and yellow colors, with his arms crossed. Just like that, an instant picture from my childhood. Then I read the article, I LOST my mind when I saw people mentioning the kazaam movie (which I literally i've never heard of) and that the sinbad movie never existed. How do you explain the millions of people that have had the exact vision of that movie cover, without even seeing the initial comments outside of the movie title "shaazam" how is it, that by simply writing that name or hearing it, millions of people like myself immediately pictured a movie cover that never existed? I read more articles on the Mandela effect and saw other examples, but none that ever shook me to the bones as much as the kazaam/shazaam conflict. Anyone else with that one?

Hello @elleseelx. One of the instances I heard of involved someone being certain Richard Chamberlain had died a couple of decades ago, when he was still alive. The person had their wires crossed - it was actually Rock Hudson who died. The most famous being bandied about is the Berenstain Bears whom a lot of people believe were called 'Berenstein' Bears. Now, I remember something about this from when I was a kid, and there was a confusion even back then because people didn't get the name right. So, this mistake was passed on for decades. Also, Shazaam did exist. You can read this post about it: ~~~ embed:Shazaam/comments/5m8o02/shazam_shazaam_with_sinbad_was_real_and_here_is/?st=j5kyp8bz&sh=e0de0318 Also, I remember a show from childhood called 'The Rovers'. Very few other people do because it was so short-lived. If you research it now, you would have a hard time finding info on it. But i did a few years back. The problem is we live in an internet age where, if you can't find it, then some people believe it never was, and/or mix it up with something else. Your Shazaam existed. The link has the proof. reddit metadata: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 ~~~

hey @ajdohmen , thanks for chiming in with a few other examples! Never heard of the Chamberlain one but the Berenstain Bears one I was also confused by. I believed it to be Berenstein as well, but as a kid, I could easily see how it was mistaken and regularly pronounced wrong. The reddit thread did not help at all, no one has been able to prove that that cover is real, and the few links references the april fools joke sinbad did this year, was a joke because of this, he still denies the movie being real. Misspelling a name or word I can understand. Having someone say a single word "shazaam" and immediately picturing sinbad decked out as a genie in purple and yellow, and the same thing happened to millions of people, there's no way this is a case of people creating false memories. Everyone knew the actor, everyone knew exactly what the cover was, and a lot of people knew the same scenes ( I did not recall anything about the movie outside of the cover, so I can't group myself in that piece) It's funny because I have legit never heard of a shaq movie called kazaam prior to all of this, I would've pegged that one as the fake movie if you put those to movie covers next to each other. I just can't shake the goosebumps on this one.

I have to admit it is an interesting case, if only because I seem to remember hearing something about it years ago ,now that you have mentioned it. But that could be just one of those weird deja-vu moments that sometimes happen during a brain fart. I actually believe in a lot of things, just not people actually crossing over from other dimensions and changing things in ours. Who knows? I don't. I still think it was just a case of confusion over something that happened when the movie came out, sort of like the Berenstain thing. It's something to think about - for me, at least.

have you read dark matter? I should do a review on it soon, good book!

No, I've never heard of the book. I will have to look into what it is about. If you write the review, I will certainly read it.

Nice! I like how you weave together the personal and the historical. And pose thought-provoking questions.