And you're deflecting from the most potent point.... "What use or good is it to revise these numbers?" Like the poster said the holocaust was originally denied just like the Armenian genocide or the one committed against Native Americans. How would you feel if someone came up to you and said "Well I've heard about the Armenian genocide but "no one should ever take the official story 100% as the truth" And that people like you, who believed it happened, were in some kind of a cult? Arguing points like.... how can you believe or totally know that it happened when there have been soo many changes to the "narrative"? I mean aggressive?! This post is a slap in the face, and you're here berating me?? Why shouldn't I shame him? Cause it's not fair, or hurts his feelings? This article makes me want to rip my hair out and cry for humanity, their are consequences in this world, what you do EFFECTS OTHER PEOPLE. When you put things out you get things back. Demanding others to fit to your socially acceptable response and script is un-fair, ya' dig?
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