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RE: The Mandela Effect and How it Does Not Apply to Nazi Internment Camps

in #history8 years ago

@interceptor, your English is good enough. You are right about that! When we look at history from four hundred years ago, we see things completely differently than they did then, and that is because we are only looking at facts, and not at propaganda. Hats off to you for being a truthseeker.


i am limited to small area of balkan peninsula in ww2. its already impossible to just describe the amount of mess that happened here. 6,7 armies, all vs all, and everyone fought themselves too. after all that ended, we got communists to rewrite it, and they did it twice, while they still loved stalin, and after that.
and not just common people, even most of historians are reasoning as if there were cell phones during ww2.

That is the truth. My grandfather was in that area in the war - in fact, he got away just before the Soviet Army closed around Stalingrad. I have Hungarian roots, so what happened there is a big interest of mine, and it is similar to where you are. One history during the war, another under the communists until the revolution, another after that, and then one more when communism fell. Historians report what they are told to report, and you're right, many of them are probably certain that people used cell phones back then.