Have you actually read the post? I think you'll see that the author is not a holocaust denier. They're merely pointing out discrepancies between some oral traditions and mainstream publications about the holocaust. Along with their opinion on the Mandela Effect. Before calling them & their post dangerous, unfounded, ignorant and insensitive you could try understanding the authors perspective and have a dialogue with them rather than attack them. Would you appreciate the same type of response to one of your posts?
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Thank you, again, Josephmcconnell. Sadly, there are times when it is fruitless to even attempt a discussion with people. Their shouting is an intimidation tactic, an attempt to silence other people, not an invitation to discussion. It is not worth the energy that it takes to repudiate their assertions; if she wants to accuse me of being a holocaust denier, then let her. The other readers will make their own judgement on her accusations, and my intentions.
Which makes him an apologist. Let me ask you what use or good is it revise these numbers? You're collectively saying "Well it wasn't that bad"... Why? We need to learn from history not diminish it's impact. Articles like this make ME feel unsafe. And NO, I don't not need to entertain ideas that are harmful to society and the world. My partner is Jewish, hate crimes and messages are on a dramatic increase mostly documented in his homestate of New York. People are being stabbed here in Portland for their beliefs. When I read things like this I go into to fight or flight mode. Before retorting aggressively to me, maybe try to see things from my perspective and have a dialogue instead of just attacking?
Cause this is still a thing.....

This photo was on the front page when I was staying in New York. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA ON HOW THIS MAKES ME FEEL? Like I could kill somebody (hate begets hate). The places your imagination goes, visions of people ripping your lover from your arms, throwing them into a cart taking them from you. Imagining dying or killing someone before you let that happen. Just because I love someone of a certain heritage, someone who doesn't even prescribe to that religion. Those same fears and traumas are triggered by this article. You are deluding history and adding this hateful fire. SHAME ON YOU ALL.
You're deflecting our responses and using them as your own to justify your own initial prejudiced reaction to the original post. The author is being aggressive in response because you outright attacked and bullied the author in your comment. I am not an apologist of the holocaust. I'm defending this authors perspective because everyone has the right to their opinion in an open and free society and it's ignorance and stubbornness that leads to history repeating itself...not just hatred. No one should ever take the official story 100% as the truth. Any smart person knows that history is distorted by those with money and power. The author was not denying the holocaust, rather giving another perspective, one that is no longer accessible in the mainstream. And by having access to varying perspectives on the same subject, one can easier form their own opinion and be better prepared to face any future issues that may be similar. I, nor the poster, was saying 'Well it wasn't that bad' about the holocaust in WW2. Please do not assume that. I understand from your last two responses that you were triggered by the post and are feeling frightened by anti-semitic activities where you live. I'm sorry about that. It's not a good feeling to be scared and walking on egg shells. That graffiti on the NY subway is pretty fucked up. It's frightening that people are spewing that hatred. At the same time, you ask us to see things from your perspective and understand how you feel but then again say SHAME ON YOU ALL. That's not fair. I am not Jewish but I have Jewish family members and friends. Do you think I want to see them harmed? Of course not. Why would anyone want that unless they were a sadistic maniac? I'm part Armenian. My ancestors were raped, tortured and killed in the Armenian holocaust, which is largely denied by the USA because we're allies with Turkey and we need our military bases there. So in order to stay nice, nice with Turkey...we deny that millions of people were slaughtered, including my great grandfather. Both of my grandparents fled their home countries because of different holocausts. One in Germany/Austria. One in Armenia. I'm not insensitive to the gravity of those situations nor any potential future political or humanitarian disasters. I appreciate you responding and keeping the dialogue open & I hope that you don't encounter anymore anti-semitic activities. All the best to you.
And you're deflecting from the most potent point.... "What use or good is it to revise these numbers?" Like the poster said the holocaust was originally denied just like the Armenian genocide or the one committed against Native Americans. How would you feel if someone came up to you and said "Well I've heard about the Armenian genocide but "no one should ever take the official story 100% as the truth" And that people like you, who believed it happened, were in some kind of a cult? Arguing points like.... how can you believe or totally know that it happened when there have been soo many changes to the "narrative"? I mean aggressive?! This post is a slap in the face, and you're here berating me?? Why shouldn't I shame him? Cause it's not fair, or hurts his feelings? This article makes me want to rip my hair out and cry for humanity, their are consequences in this world, what you do EFFECTS OTHER PEOPLE. When you put things out you get things back. Demanding others to fit to your socially acceptable response and script is un-fair, ya' dig?