I Need Good Writers for Original Content for Real Pay
Hello my fellow Steemians!
If you have been following me for any amount of time, you will have noticed that one of my strategies for success on Steemit is leveraging your posts into income outside of Steemit. Well, this has happened for me personally and now I need to find some others that are willing to consistently put out good content for a consistent income.
Background Story
About a month ago, I made my normal posts on FaceBook and V Kontakte about my annual BBQ that I do at Lake Ladoga near St. Petersburg. This was the 6th annual event and I promoted it pretty well with people in the St. Petersburg area - especially Ex-pats living here.
So, a British guy that owns a publishing company with some very successful websites is living here as a result of his wife's job and he noticed the post on the FB St. Petersburg expats forum. He's a curious guy and went and checked out my FB page and saw links to my Steemit articles. After reading my Steemit articles (many of which are history related), he sent me a message asking to meet up.
After a couple of beers and a cigar and one more meeting with his chief editor, they offered me a job of my dreams. I am now the editor of the Warhistoryonline.com site and in charge of putting out new content daily for a readership that is in the millions.
That was 4 weeks ago.
Since then we have identified what needs to happen in order to make the site even more profitable. One of those things is to bring on new writers that can produce quality, original content consistently. Therefore, I have a real opportunity to offer anyone interested in writing and getting paid.
The Offer
I need writers for the military history site to produce articles of 800 to 2000 words. No pictures necessary as we have licenses to obtain all necessary photos. However, personal photos of high quality are always welcome and credit is given. The topics can vary, but they need to be military history related.
In addition, the company owns several other websites including the very popular The Vintage News and Abandoned Spaces, which also need writers under the same circumstances with the exception that Abandoned Spaces requires some photo work to accompany articles.
Here is the breakdown -
You write and/or produce photos - 800 words or more (max 2000) of original content.
We pay you in USD or in Steem monthly for your articles.
Authors get $50 USD for each article.
There are no catches or additional fine print. Simple. Produce good, original articles and get paid. Payments are made monthly and will be transferred to your bank account or another method like Steem.
This offer is for native English speakers only because the main audience is in the U.S. with secondary audiences in the U.K., Australia, Canada, and South Africa. There is some viewership in Europe as well, but again, it is all in English.
If you are interested, you can leave a comment below with your Discord info or you can contact me directly in Discord - EnergyAddict #9726. Once you contact me and I answer any questions you have, you will need to send me a sample article for review. If we like it, we will publish it as your first story. If not, I will let you know why.
Maybe you're making so much money on Steemit or whatever you do IRL and don't have the time or inclination to write more. That's all good. If you refer someone to me, I will give you 1 SBD for every referral you send that gets an article published. No limit.
I have faith that the Steemit community can provide me with the necessary talent to make this work because I've been reading such good authors for the last 6 months. Many of you are out there finding good writers daily through initiatives like the #payitforward contest, @newbieresteem, @qurator, @asapers, etc.
Help me connect with these writers and everyone wins.
Here is the site that I am the editor of - warhistoryonline.com
I look forward to hearing from you all.
Best wishes.
graphic by @habeebability
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Don't like it? Comment and tell me why. Let's discuss it.
All intelligent comments get an upvote for effort (even if I disagree).
Send me a copy of one of your posts and I will try to read it quickly.
Images are mine or used with permission.
Posted using: busy
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Special thanks for support from @qurator @jumbot @moonbot @zenbot @resteemit @asapers #payitforward, #kryptonia #superiorcoin
Some of my favorite Steemians (you should visit them) - @thedarkhose, @practicalthought, @yankee-statman, @lynnecoyle1, @mtnmeadowmomma, @reonlouw, @fitnfun, @sydesjokes
Hi @energyaddict22. I'm interested in this and will have more than 30min late at night available soon.
I'm trying to find you on Discord but have been unsuccessful. Clearly, Discord is not set up for my vast intellect...
Could you please look me up there: Reon#5215
You have two different version of your discord handle in the post above. One with 22, one without. Neither works.
EnergyAddict#9726 - Make sure to capitalize. :) Sorry for the confusion.
The only piece with a bit of history I have done on Steemit is this one.
Anything I would be able to do would be South African. Would that be of any interest to you?
lol! I cannot get into that place at all!!!! I'm with you @reonlouw! I tell people I get a swirly thing when I try and they think I am a nut.
Hey, I have the best comedy/satire blog on steemit. I can write about war , but only in a humorous/satirical way. Check out my blog: some articles are more cutting, some are sillier. Here is a war related one I did recently (it's silly)
Hello. I certainly appreciate your humor. However, it doesn't quite fit our wheelhouse. :)
This is pretty much awesome; now I'm getting to see more benefits of being on steemit and it's totally credible.
Of course i wouldn't forget to say congratulations on your new job
Do the articles need to be exclusively 'military history site' related? I'm all up for writing, but that's not really my specialised area.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Yes, I understand. However, the site name kind of says it all - warhistoryonline.com
We have several other sites that we own and we will be looking for some writers with at least 2 of them in the near future. I will post about here when it happens.
Поздравляю вас с новой должностью! Прекрасная возможность для многих людей научиться писать серьезные тексты! Жаль, я не владею английским на хорошем уровне, я бы обязательно согласилась на ваше предложение. Удачи вам на новой работе!!!
Well, I wrote an article about Bruneval raid 3 months ago. You can check it out. My discord is Tygrysek#0369. I am not a native English speaker, but I don't think that being a native should be a criteria - sometimes even natives make worse mistakes than non-natives. Anyway, you can my article and let me know if you can recognize that it was written by a Polish guy. https://busy.org/@thomaslucania/bruneval-raid-the-most-audacious-theft-in-the-history-of-ww-ii
Congratulations on landing that job!! It is a perfect fit for you, isn't it?!! :) I'll keep my eye out during my travels here for any good historical writing I see! Good for you :)
I'll hit you up on Discord later--I have some old college history research papers on hand that could give you an idea of whether my style would work or not :) This would be like my dream job...!!!
Hi! Thanks for reaching out, @energyaddict26 . One question though, must one's sample article be about history? I have a lot of sample articles from previous works but none of the are history-related.
Interested as I love history. Send me a message on discord. Basicstoliving#9741
I tried to add you but it didn't recognize the name. Are there additional capital letters?
Sent you a DM!
добрый день @energyaddict22. Хотела бы попросить вашей поддержки к моему комментарию у куратора в конкурсе. Могу вам отправить ссылку? Спасибо, буду рада вашей поддержке.
Да конечною - какой контест? Payitforward?
Я спешу вам сообщить, что я выиграла тот конкурс. Ваша помощь была важной, спасибо огромное!!! Как вы? Жаль, что у вас нет времени писать на стимите. У вас были отличные и важные посты!!!
Поздравления! Я так счастлив, что ты выиграл. Я попытался отправить купцы, которых я знаю, чтобы проголосовать за вас. Я постараюсь получить короткие статьи, размещенные на Steem. Я пытаюсь найти решение для использования того, что я делаю, чтобы делать сообщения на Steem, но мы увидим.
Добрый день! Рада услышать хорошие новости от вас. С нетерпением буду ждать ваши новые посты на стимит. 20 июня вылетаю в Россию. В Санкт-Петербурге новый стадион, футбол и белые ночи, красота! Желаю вам во всем большой удачи!!!
нет, к сожалению не проект Payitforward.https://steemit.com/qurator/@qurator/qurator-s-toss-up-thursday-8-free-for-all-promotion-competition-or-rules-changed-please-read. Я разместила в комментариях мое фото и ссылку на мой пост. Просто поставить голос, если вам понравится. Мне бы хотелось выиграть 5 уровень на 1 месяц. Спасибо вам за поддержку.
Hi @energyaddict22. I came across your post and thought of @malloryblythe. She is a terrific history writer! She used to write for History Buff, which is no longer running. I sent her your link and leaving a comment here too. One of her stories is below, it's about an alleged princess and Houdini. Very interesting read! Not sure about the military aspect you are seeking, will let her read your post.
Edited: I didn't even read about the part about a referral bonus until just now! Lol, well, if Mallory signs up, I get a bonus (I think). Yippeee!
P.S., congrats on the job of your dream!
Aw thanks for the referral, @beeyou! I would be interested in doing this. Most of my war history knowledge is related to ancient history (specifically Mesopotamia). I have a podcast I recorded years ago but never posted about the first war in written history, the Umma Lagash border dispute, which I can send it your way, @energyaddict22.
I so much love Mesopotamian history! Add me on discord so we can speak further about it. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. EnergyAddict#9726 (don't forget the capital letters).
Thanks @beeyou for the referral. You're such a superstar!
You're added! Looking forward to talking soon.
I'm a writer by nature and have a journalism degree; plus I love history... sad thing is... I've never written a history post, article or anything.
When I worked for the newspapers I favored features and human interests.
GOOD luck to all who apply to this endeavor and position,
Hello. Great to hear from you. Interestingly enough, most of our articles are features and not strictly raw historical facts. We tell stories and most of those are human interest. The only thing is that they have a military history slant. Also, we have 4 other online magazines so I might have something up your alley. Send me a message on Discord. :)
This interesting proposal should create an agiotage among writers. I congratulate you on the position of the editor.
You live in St. Petersburg, ты говоришь по русски?
If we are talking about military topics ... then I have a question. Does it matter which country to write? For example, military history of Ukraine or Russia
Hello, thanks for responding. The magazine is international with 2 million unique readers monthly. The company is based in Virginia but owned by a British guy who happens to live here in Russia like me. You can check out the site to see the type of articles we run at warhistoryonline.com. The company also owns thevintagenews.com and abandonedspaces.com.
Yes, I speak Russian, but it's not even close to perfect.
Ukraine has no history. It is Russian history. Russia started in Ukraine (known as Kievan Rus). It's like separating Ohio history from U.S. history. Sure there is something there that goes back 400 years (1200 plus years with Ukraine), but it's mostly U.S.
We cover stories from all over the world, but we try not to focus on current conflicts because they are too politically charged. Pretty much 1st Gulf War and before. A lot of human interest stories involving veterans, museum exhibitions, films, but also great stories of people, battles and outcomes.
Let me know if its something interesting for you. Best wishes.
I like your awareness. This is an extensive topic. There are questions from which I would like to talk. Perhaps it's worth writing to you in the discord. I'll do it tomorrow.
Awesome. I look forward to it.
History from my continent, one person comes to mind who really has in-depth knowledge on military matters is @gavvet here in Steemit.
He has written the most interesting posts on this topic that I have seen todate, good luck with finding knowledgeable authors.
Please send him my way! I would be glad to speak with him. I'm checking out his page now. Thanks so much. :)
Sorry @energyaddict22 don't know him personally, enjoyed reading his content, really hope you are able to make contact with him.
I have some old WW2 photos that you might want to use in articles. Will have to see if I have a good way to get you high quality images of them. These were taken by a soldier while over there so not ones you will find with your licenses.
This is of interest to me and I'll see if I can find time to write something for you. Would be cool to get published and 800 words is like the size of a longer comment...lol. Can whip that up in no time.
Actually wondering would interviews of vets be of interest? Know a few and might be a fun way to get to know them even better.
Several answers to several questions.
1st - I would love the photos if you were willing to send me copies.
2nd - One article a week/month would be great if it is good quality. You could submit up to 2 a day.
3rd - Human interest stories involving vets are great especially if you can get them to tell you stories that you can write about. It doesn't have to be all action either. I really want to publish a story about life as an American GI in England waiting/training for D-Day and life in occupied Germany after the war for GI's. Stories are the key, important facts second.
Let me know what you come up with.
You know I love my history so this is right up my ally. I'm going to talk with my Grandfather to see if he can introduce me to some of the vets at his nursing home. These stories are all dying off as that generation is really up there in years.
Have vets from more recent wars/occupations (call it what you want, people died it's war to me) that are easier access for me.
Will try to get the photos for you. One is a pile of bodies from a concentration camp, very graphic. Then others that are more typical in nature. Now the hard part...remembering where the heck I put them.
Unfortunately I don't know anything about military history, but let me know when you become the editor of a BBQ mag, then I'll definitely be keen. ;-)
We are working on it. We have a website in development on outdoor living, DIY stuff, survivalist things, and best of all - cooking outdoors. :)
Hello @energyaddict22
I want, i want XD
is like music to my ears
first and second world war , I have a lot of info in my brain
there a limit time to send you the sample post?
I was looking for something like this
Awesome @victorsilab! Send me a message on Discord - it is actually EnergyAddict22#9726 - be sure to get the capital letters correct. Looking forward to speaking with you more about this.
Perfect, in the night (CST US) I connect to discord, in this moment I can´t :(
write about military history more than a job, will be a hobby to me
Such a shame that I'm not good at writing articles or I might've sign in for this.
Edit: I'll resteem this article and hopefully one or some of my followers will see it. Who knows there maybe some terrific writers among them.
#846 I know a lot about military history. Also, I'm in the Air force
Awesome. I tried your discord but it didn't work. Can you resend it to me?
I sent you a friend request.
Glad the new position is taking shape for you. If I wasn't moving in a few weeks, your offer would actually have tempted me to look more into joining Discord. I won't hold my breathe, but perhaps once I get settled in a few weeks into July, I will nonchalantly ask how the project is going, and if you mention you still need more writers I will just so happen to have an article prepared. If you have filled the stable, I just hit publish here and pretend it was for here all along.
An fyi since you have been so busy. I am going to make a short post on it, but in case you don't have time to read it. My delegation I was renting ran out, and being the doofus, I submitted wrong to Minnowbooster and have to wait 2 more days to get the Steem back to resubmit correctly. I am already in the 70's in voting power now and have a few more votes to cast. So will not be logging in other than to post tomorrow morning on my absence, to recharge my voting power for when I can get the boost in 2 days.
You can send me a sample anytime you like. We will never have too many writers. I would like to be in a position where I can be more critical of what we publish, when, etc. Right now, I can't be as picky and that isn't something I like.
To cancel your delegation market request and get an immediate refund send 0.001 Steem to @minnowbooster with the memo "cancel 21242"
Hey, thanks so much. I was able to get canceled and correct my mistake. Got my order filled already.
Um, yes please? At least until you get sick of the Seven Years' War. (I could probably write about others too at some point.) I'm tcpolymath#2171 on Discord.
Awesome. I will send you a message tomorrow. Time for bed here in St. Petersburg. :)
edited: ACTUALLY, I am POTYT#9550
Hey, so I am a total noob at Discord, so I can't actually find you . So if you reach out to me I'd definitely be interested. I have a degree in history and write frequently.
(I don't write about history on Steemit, but I have in the past, just not professionally)
Good day sir, this is indeed a wonderful offer but as mentioned above, it is only for native English speakers. Also I don't have the necessary qualification for I don't have any idea about the topic but I will follow you sir. Hope you'll find the right people for the job sir :)
Quite unfortunate that I'm not a native english speaker or I might have joined. Anyways, I'll resteem and share this so others could see it. Good luck! #kryptonia #superiorcoin
Hello, I love history, especially the military part of it. I would very much like to try my hand at this. I do have Discord, but used it a while back.
I am Laurentius#0823 on Discord.
Hello. I added you on Discord. Looking forward to hearing from you so we can discuss getting you on board with our company as a writer. Talk to you soon.
I don't know someone who is a good writer with your topic, I just resteem the post hoping i can help you find one.
Been a little time since I read your posts and I have shared your post in hope that you'll find competent writers you need to hire.
Am not so good at writing good contents but am always supporting from #kryptonia
Oh this is nice but sadly im not that competitive in writing. Upvoted your post with the less that I have and followed you as well. Thank you.
I'd love to be featured as a writer! @energyaddict22. Here's my discord username: ossyjay#0759
I sent you a friend request on Discord. Drop me a message there with questions, but we really just need a sample article from you. You can get more details from me on Discord. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Sure thing @energyaddict22...I'll get right on it.
Congratulations on becoming the Editor and it's your hard work that paid off and now you are encouraging and giving an effective offers to the writers of Steemit and hopefully you will get effective writers soon. Keep up and thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
This one is also more cutting and war related.
Excellent contest, always stimulating the creativity and the ideas of the users, I hope that all the participants are very successful in their participation, greetings.
Dude, you didn't even read the article. You are spamming this comment everywhere. Congrats! You have earned some flags. :)
Excelente contest
sounds to good to be true!
I don't know about "too good to be true". It doesn't pay a ton of money, but it is writing work. :)
Thanks so much for this opportunity. Would contact you soon @eneryaddict22.
Hi Steemian!
We are a big supporter of quality content on steemit.
So we will be providing a 100% upvote worth 0.07SBD for every 0.05SBD you send to @ubfitzone with your post link in memo.
send 0.05 SBD to @ubfitzone with your post link URL as memo, and get a 100% upvote worth 0.07SBD, you will be considered for weekly winning of 1 SBD based on quality of content, and get resteemed to our followers for free
Team @ubfitzone
Take a look at my medical blog that I just started @secondmedicalop. See if you like it and let me know.
Is this even relevant or are you just spamming my page? Spamming my page is a good way to get 1 weeks worth of flags.
Sorry if you consider it a spam. I can tell you it is not. I just thought you were looking for writers and wanted your opinion. Maybe I misunderstood your post.
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!
Great post
In the picture more, it seems that this is a trick.
Ummm. Not even sure what that means, but it doesn't get an upvote. :(
Congratulations @energyaddict22 ! You received a 5% upvote from @kryptoniabot & @kryptonia.
Remember to receive votes from @kryptoniabot
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Use the tags KRYPTONIA or SUPERIORCOIN in your Steemit post for max vote.
Steemit reputation score above 25.
If you would like to delegate to the Kryptonia Upvote Project you can do so by clicking on the following links: 10SP , 50SP , 100SP , 500SP , 1000SP , 5000SP.
Be sure to leave at least 50SP undelegated on your account.
Due to an increased amount of tasks, we have changed up the voting power to evenly spread out the Upvote amount.
Congrats for a new endeavor! It seems you already have good writers on board. Good luck to everyone! I am sure more people will be seeing this. It's gonna be a tough job :D
I really think @ravenruis would be a great candidate for this.
She is a genealogical researcher and history buff.
Kryptonia @Hokkaido
Kryptonia @steemizm
Hi @energyaddict22
Bug congrats on the new job. I know you are just the right person for it based on what I have read of your work here. I cannot get into discord, but you are now on my list if I ever figure it out.
As for a recommendation, I think @yankee-statman might be interested and qualified for your The Vintage News articles. He writes awesome posts about old time sports related news her and the articles are really good. I will be visiting him today for the same reason I am here now and will let him know to check you out.
I am asking for your vote in a Qurator contest. My son @bxlphabet is entered into it. I’m here to ask you if you can please go to this comment I'm linking and upvote his San Diego photo on the post?
This is the Toss Up Thursday contest which happens every two weeks. I was lucky enough to win last time, so I am not entered. There are two winners and they get a Qurator Tier 5 upvote for 30 days if they win.
Your vote does not need to be large – it can be 1%. They only count the number of votes that come from qurator members and the value is not important. It just counts if you are a member of qurator.
If you end up looking at all the post comments, you will see others with a lot of votes. But they are faking us out by getting non-qurators to vote on them so we will give up early :) There is a lot of strategy in these contests I have come to find out.
Thank you so much for helping if you can. Every little bit helps these days and this is a big vote in the scheme of things. Sharon
A great offer and I am sure you will find some great military historians itching to write.
If you need an article done on anything MMA or Poker related, I would be interested in submitting some work on that. Both have a rich and interesting history.