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RE: Calling All Writers! $50 USD for Original Articles

in #history7 years ago

Hello, thanks for responding. The magazine is international with 2 million unique readers monthly. The company is based in Virginia but owned by a British guy who happens to live here in Russia like me. You can check out the site to see the type of articles we run at The company also owns and

Yes, I speak Russian, but it's not even close to perfect.

Ukraine has no history. It is Russian history. Russia started in Ukraine (known as Kievan Rus). It's like separating Ohio history from U.S. history. Sure there is something there that goes back 400 years (1200 plus years with Ukraine), but it's mostly U.S.

We cover stories from all over the world, but we try not to focus on current conflicts because they are too politically charged. Pretty much 1st Gulf War and before. A lot of human interest stories involving veterans, museum exhibitions, films, but also great stories of people, battles and outcomes.

Let me know if its something interesting for you. Best wishes.


I like your awareness. This is an extensive topic. There are questions from which I would like to talk. Perhaps it's worth writing to you in the discord. I'll do it tomorrow.

Awesome. I look forward to it.