Let's say that eating has become more of a priority since my mom came out with a diagnosis of diabetes and eating healthier has now become the first super important goal, since her eating dynamics develops a little differently from what we were used to. , I can say that at first it was not easy but it is now common and bearable.
That is why I want to bring you this super practical and very nutritious recipe for chicken liver with onions accompanied by a broccoli and cauliflower salad 🥦, I must confess that I have a little obsession with broccoli and I always use it in everything 😂😂.Hello again my beautiful #hivefood community, I hope you are very well and that you are always full of energy and good health 🤩😊...!. I had a while without making a post here, but I'm here with you again.
• 1 kg de ocumo chino.
• Orégano.
• 2 plátanos.
• 500gr de hígado de pollo.
• 1 cebolla.
• 1 pimentón.
• 1 cabeza de ajo.
• Sal.
• 1 kg of Chinese ocumo.
• Oregano.
• 2 bananas.
• 500gr of chicken liver.
• 1 onion.
• 1 paprika.
• 1 head of garlic.
• Salt.
✓In a frying pan, we place our liver and season with salt, oregano, and garlic and bring it to a low heat to sauté over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Chop the onion, the paprika and add, stir, cover and let cook for 15 more minutes, while we place our ocumo and plantains to be parboiled in a pot with water and remove when they soften.
• 500gr de vegetales variados (que serían el brócoli y coliflor).
• 1 zanahoria.
• 3 ramas de espinaca.
• 1 pepino.
• 1 tómate.
• 500g of assorted vegetables (which would be broccoli and cauliflower).
• 1 carrot.
• 3 branches of spinach.
• 1 cucumber.
• 1 tomato.
✓We clean all the vegetables with water and vinegar once this is finished, we cut the broccoli and the cauliflower and in a pot we cook for 5 min, if you have to steam them it would also be excellent although it lasts a little longer, either of the two is valid, after that, we cut the tomato and the cucumber into slices, we cut the spinach, and grate the carrot, once the broccoli and cauliflower are ready, let them rest and join with the rest of the salad, add salt to taste and a few more drops of vinegar and to plate 🥳.
And so, is our plate!.
I hope you find it useful😊, I send you a big hug from a distance❤️
📸Fotos tomadas y editadas desde mi tlf Tecno spark 8T.
🖼️Imágenes editadas por la aplicación Canva. Contenido creado por mi autoría @mariahernandez93.
Hola amiga, particularmente no somos amigos del hígado pero si de las ensaladas, y el brócoli es delicioso, así que entendemos tu obsesión😄 la comida saludable debe reinar en nuestras mesas la mayor parte del tiempo y sobretodo si se trata ya de un diagnóstico, así que nos alegra mucho que se estén adaptando a este tipo de alimentación y que puedas compartir tus recetas con nosotros, mucha salud para su mamá. Saludos.
Jajajaja si supieras que cuando niña me desagradaba bastante el hígado, pero cuando crecemos cambiamos de gustos y de parecer que cosas no?! Jajaja... Gracias por los buenos deseos, y también por visitar y leer un abrazo 😊