Hello hive friends, today I bring you an extremely delicious dish.
Hola amigas de colmena, hoy les traigo un plato sumamente delicioso.
We start by cutting 5 potatoes (approximately 400g) into strips, to take them to marinate in salt and pepper for about 10 minutes. Then to fry, today do not open anything healthy in this dish today we are going for the taste of fat.
Comenzamos cortando en tiras 5 papas (aproximadamente 400g ), para llevarlas a marinar en sal y pimienta unos 10 minutos. Luego a freír, hoy no abra nada sano en este plato hoy vamos por el sabor de la grasa.
For the salad we use half a cabbage, a tomato and a carrot. Grate the cabbage and carrot and cut the tomato into small cubes and season with salt, pepper and the best quality mayonnaise, then add sugar and mustard to give it a sweet and sour flavor.
Para la ensalada usamos medio repollo, un tomate y una zanahoria. Rayamos el repollo y la zanahoria y el tomate lo picamos en cubos pequeños y aderezamos con sal pimienta y mayonesa de la mejor calidad luego agregamos azúcar y mostaza para darle un sabor agridulce.
We select the chicken breast and clean it well and then season it with salt, pepper and a garlic paste. Then pass it through egg and flour, and then make the second breading by passing it through egg and breadcrumbs and giving it a layer so that when it is fried it has a crunchy texture.
Once we have everything ready, we go on to present it, it is very tasty.
Seleccionamos la pechuga del pollo y limpiamos bien para luego sazonarla con sal pimienta y una pasta de ajo. Luego pasarla por huevo y harina, para luego hacerle el segunda empanizado pasándola por huevo y pan rallado y dándole una capa para que cuando se lleve a freír tenga una textura crujiente.
Una vez teniendo todo listo pasamos a presentar quedo muy rico.
The Hivebuzz proposal already got important support from the community. However, it lost its funding a few days ago when the HBD stabilizer proposal rose above it.
May we ask you to support it so our team can continue its work?
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Thank you!Dear @tattoking, we need your help!