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RE: Marketing Strategy: Join Hive Anyway

in Unimatrix 5255 years ago (edited)

Well here’s where I’m going to disagree! Discord is too niche and I really dislike it. We need to be commenting more on the chain between each other! I am rarely on discord and only to report bug issues with applications. If we make the chain more active, it only helps us out when people are looking in and seeing 30+ comments on almost every post.

I will admit this has one flaw that loading comments when they get really long tends to crash most apps and browsers.

The other important avenue is using twitter more.

Granted these won’t solve all issues but it would be better to not have these things going on in discord so much.

 5 years ago  

I agree that there are lost opportunities when conversations happen off-chain when they could easily happen on-chain, like in comments. No argument.