Unimatrix 525 is all about collaborating on Hive support projects, tools, and strategies. Here's a marketing strategy that we've been brainstorming in The Pulse discord.

by @whatsup
We've been looking at it all wrong. There are angry bees protecting the hive. It's a challenge to earn. That's the point.
If you can't cut it, get out of the hive.
Many people already in crypto approach Hive as if it's just another mining algorithm to crack. If you post the right combination of words, maybe you'll get paid. Of course, this is a poor attitude. But it's also understandable.
The reason this is understandable is because it's reasonable to assume that many "content producers" have never blogged before. They see the basic requirements and think, "That doesn't sound too hard."
Well, it is hard. Even good content isn't enough. If you're an expert blogger and just cross-post to Hive, that's not enough either. There's more to the "algorithm" than even just good content.
It's a social media blockchain. Therefore, there's a social aspect. Just cross-posting without engaging ... isn't enough.
You have to basically sweet-talk the actual stakeholders, and they are like angry bees. How do you crack that algorithm?
So that's the challenge of Hive. Do you direct message them? No. That's obnoxious. And there's no on-chain DM anyway. Do you name-drop them? No. That's also obnoxious. Do you try to fly under the radar and hope they don't notice you? Maybe.
So what exactly do you do? Well, that's the point. You have to figure it out on your own. There is no precise formula. No steps except: Join Hive anyway

Also see: Hive Preboarding
I agree, it is not easy to be successful here. It will take time, effort and sometimes money to be noticed. I've invited a bunch of people, most think it is too good to be true or too complicated and don't even bother creating an account.
If Hive was easy, there would be no challenge and it would be boring.
True. Just like anything in life. But more specifically, the angry bees think that they're limiting distribution to help the price. Maybe they're right.
Yes, it depends on the intentions of the people that are being onboarded. Some just want to milk Hive, to earn "free" coins and then dump them on the market. Some people don't care to be part of the community, they don't want to help it grow.
But there is a thin line and we should find ways to recognize who is here for "free" Hive and who is here to invest in Hive. That is also not an easy task.
That's the angry bee perspective, yes. The "milker" narrative is based on fundamental analysis, which is sound. But crypto isn't always affected by fundamental analysis as much as we'd like to pretend it is.
Here's what I mean. There's a great analysis of what makes altcoins a good investment, just looking at the past charts:
(skip to 8:42)
To me, the key difference between the "degens" and "oscillators" they're exploring in that video is marketing. Sure, some of them market and are still "degen" coins. But I still think marketing is often a bigger factor than the fundamentals.
Interesting, I think Hive is on a test to see which one of these two types of coins it is. And it makes sense because marketing (and the strength of all the community) was what brought Hive to be worth almost 1 USD. Thank you for sharing that video.
From a marketing perspective, it is most certainly a degen. When it was on its way to $1 USD, it was benefitting from inadvertent marketing. Once that dried up, it went back down. Clearly, we need marketing.
It is definitely a unique formula! Some content gets very well received while other content of a similar nature, not so much. I think that's one of the challenges that people don't understand. You can just get lucky with some posts and get a good reward while on others you may get very little reward.
What I find important and always tell new people I talk to is to get themselves out there. The more they get into posts and comment sections to talk to people, the better off they will be. We can all 'blog' as much as we want but if we all stay in our own blog and never go to others, that's pretty pointless and goes against the blogging concept.
Seems like getting hooked into a discord server is a good way to go.
Well here’s where I’m going to disagree! Discord is too niche and I really dislike it. We need to be commenting more on the chain between each other! I am rarely on discord and only to report bug issues with applications. If we make the chain more active, it only helps us out when people are looking in and seeing 30+ comments on almost every post.
I will admit this has one flaw that loading comments when they get really long tends to crash most apps and browsers.
The other important avenue is using twitter more.
Granted these won’t solve all issues but it would be better to not have these things going on in discord so much.
I agree that there are lost opportunities when conversations happen off-chain when they could easily happen on-chain, like in comments. No argument.
Interesting, there is a saying in Persian for this situation...
نا پائے رفتن نا جائے ماندن
Word to Word meaning, "there is neither a place to place the foot nor a way to move away".
But agreed, join HIVE anyway, it's fun.
That's a really good saying, I like it!
Same with me. Thanks and Wish you a safe day.
You have to be unique and creative... and sometimes trying to be funny... Just like me, Hivelander The Immortal Mannequin (aka Steemitri The Mannequin @steemitri).
Is there any other crazy mannequin blogger on Earth?!?!
Just my opinion, hahaha!

I think you are correct. I really like character accounts. They're especially fun when there's already high engagement.
I think I lost some engagement and a little bit of motivation in the last months... 3 years blogging as a mannequin, that's weird and a bit insane, hahaha.
What I learned:

... this is me the first week on HIVE/(STEEM)...
... but I loved it, so I tried to learn as much as possible...
This is me after a few months...
You have to know the system ;-)
Good advice
Yep, almost like we need some rules around here, right? 😇