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RE: Marketing Strategy: Join Hive Anyway

in Unimatrix 5254 years ago

You have to be unique and creative... and sometimes trying to be funny... Just like me, Hivelander The Immortal Mannequin (aka Steemitri The Mannequin @steemitri).

Is there any other crazy mannequin blogger on Earth?!?!


Just my opinion, hahaha!

 4 years ago  

I think you are correct. I really like character accounts. They're especially fun when there's already high engagement.

I think I lost some engagement and a little bit of motivation in the last months... 3 years blogging as a mannequin, that's weird and a bit insane, hahaha.

What I learned:
... this is me the first week on HIVE/(STEEM)...
... but I loved it, so I tried to learn as much as possible...
This is me after a few months...

You have to know the system ;-)