This could be a real challenge - fight procrastination and accomplish three tasks!

in Three Challenges8 months ago

Maybe I am wrong, so it is a huge challenge just for me... to resist procrastination...?


Do you suffer the same disease, procrastination? You know, when you have a few tasks to do but start with the easiest one, even if it is unimportant, and actually leave apart those that should have priority. For a student? He/she will do anything just to avoid studying a difficult subject. Have a week to prepare for an exam? - of course, he/she will start the real study time one day before the test. The list of our tasks looks nice on paper... and then we pick any of them that will give us some pleasure instead of starting with the most annoying one and finishing it as soon as possible.

How many times have I heard from my students the phrase "I like to play at home the compositions that are easy and those I like, not the ones that I need to practice for hours" ? That is a kind of procrastination too. I see my son cleaning his room exactly on the day when he should study. I see myself thinking about repotting some plants but it never happens. Or organizing the closets, cleaning the kitchen, the storage room etc. Decluttering the drawers, throwing away unnecessary things, cleaning the window shutters or organizing my music scores. I could keep on naming all these bad stuff for the next two paragraphs. Maybe three. The point is that I should face them and not just talk about them.

Here is the opportunity to have the work done - let's make a challenge to face this awful habit!
What do you say? Would you like to participate in this activity? I will set myself three tasks that I have been avoiding for some time and try to do them today (two of them I have finished since the idea came to my mind 😉 )

1. Repotting this plant


A few weeks ago I wrote about my Lucky Bells plants...they were badly attacked by mealybugs, so I cut them down and threw them away. Two young plants were fine so I left them in and also planted lots of little babies with the leaves. They are growing very well, but unfortunately, I also saw mealybugs on the two aforementioned young plants. I took them out of the pot to check the roots and change the soil, but I didn't have time to plant them in a new pot. They were lying horizontally on the table.

Guess what happened! The tips of the stems started to grow vertically, so I got some very twisted plants. Then I placed them in a pot, still without soil, and the stems continued to grow, reaching for the sky again. This is the result of my wonderful procrastination! Crooked stems... at least they got soil and a new pot, so they can grow the right way from here.

2. Decluttering this mess


This was awful! I had to organize the stuff in this hanging cabinet a long time ago, but the procrastination thing was stronger than me.

You can see, that it was a pure mess... imagine the upper part too in a similar condition but I took out everything from there before I decided to take the photo. (lucky you, you would suffer a heart attack... this is also enough to see 😁)


I think it is a bit better now, at least the part I organized. I wanted to start writing this post (ow, a nice procrastination from the real work 🤣) but will continue with the upper part soon.

3. Finding lost music scores


Here, in this external HDD, I have a treasure. It is like a chest full of photos and music scores among other files, but the thing is that it contains data from three old laptops.

When you start browsing there, a few hours can be easily lost... or more. But I have to find one music piece, as if not - I can be hung by someone who lent me the scores in their physical form. Well, I gave that paper to one of my students who went back to her country so the scores are gone forever. I procrastinated with this thing already for a while but I know that I am already in trouble if I don't find and print out the composition to be able to give them back! So, wish me luck, please! 😂


If you recognise yourself in this habit and you would like to change something, let's start with small steps. Set yourself three tasks you would like to accomplish and participate actively in this challenge. You can share with us the three tasks you have done for this challenge!

If you never procrastinate - that is fantastic! Well done.

Still, if you would like to procrastine from your real-life tasks participate in a different challenge, you can pick from some of the other ongoing ones in this community: Three favourite posts, Three most valuable possessions, The three most ... streets...



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I don’t know everyone but I think the majority of people in this world deal with procrastination. This same thing happens to me too but I’m trying to kill that spirit in me no matter how bad it can be
I don’t ever want to procrastinate again

We always end up realizing that it is better to do things without so much delay but then next time... we procrastinate again 😂

Nice way to complete those tasks 😅... You really are using hive in the most useful way it can be used.

Let's see what I can gather up (maybe three valuable possessions)

Hive is in some way part of our lives, isn't it? Even if we procrastinate or challenge ourselves to do some tasks ;))

Pues basta hacer la lista de tareas tambien hay que ponerle decision y empeño. ..!

Así es. :)

Entonces... te apuntas a este challenge? :))

prometo que lo pensare :))

Es una muy buena promesa :D

I think that's what happens to me hahaha especially when searching the hard drive... for example for memories... it's a needle in a haystack!!! It's that before I wasn't very organized and I say where do I have those pictures!!! hahaha

Well.... the plants can be too. Always with great ideas that are great!!!

I have pending.... paint stones... don't scold me....😌

I have pending.... paint stones...

so, you are actually procrastinating? 😱

Hahaha, ok, ok, I don't scold you, I am just joking 😋

Well, if .... in my case, art requires peace of mind... and I've had to resolve so many things! But I don't forget it! 😃

Procrastination is the thief of time.

An old english saying.

I guess you have also met Miss Procrastination? Maybe she stole some time from you too... 😁

{no, it can't be. It must be just because of the old English saying 😉}

LOL, often!

I am just lazy!

If you recognise yourself in this habit and you would like to change something, let's start with small steps.

I agree. For me, the 10-minute rule works well. If I find myself procrastinating, I allot 10 minutes to focus on the task I'm avoiding. Most of the time, those 10 minutes turn into 30 minutes, and before I know it, I've completed the task.

That is an excellent technique, @cli4d. That way you can really fight procrastination with good results 👏

Hi @mipiano , I don't know where I've been that I didn't know about this community.

I confess to have this disease, I need urgent rehabilitation, I have so many things to do, I will participate I publicly commit 😅

Hahahaha, urgent rehabilitation. 😂 That sounds cool actually, and the doctor for it is no one else than you. I will be looking for your participation, @soyunasantacruz 😎


I am a master procrastinator, @mipiano! Excellent post, I was very pleased to see that we have things in common and I love that you find niche communities that incite... I think your post does more than just an invitation to self-evaluation, I think it will prompt me to solve some problems that have been waiting for a few years. Thanks!

You too? Then we went to the same procrastination school

I hope we learn to procrastinate a bit less, step by step, although it is not easy hahaha.

It's not easy.
Today in the garden I solved something long overdue, a support to grow passionflowers. It was hot but I was pleased to have solved something from a very long list... Thank you!


The passion flowers are grateful to you for that!

Guilty as charged!
I make lists when there's too much to be done, and very often run out of time to do the most important ones!
Time I set a challenge like this for myself!
PS those mealybugs are so difficult to get rid of, but your plant looks good, as if it's dancing in the wind🌻

Oh, I do the same. I am happy to make a list of things, hoping it will help me organize my time better and push me/motivate me, but then I start with the easiest ones and the important and difficult ones stay just on paper forever 🤦🏻‍♀️

Time I set a challenge like this for myself!

Indeed! 👏👏👏

as if it's dancing in the wind


I think have a list as long as my arm!!! Will have to think of the three most urgent ones when I have time 🤣🤣🤣 and when I post about them I will have to do them all like you 🤸🤸🤸

That is the way to go :)) Though thinking for a long time about the tasks can also be considered procrastination, so just pick them randomly 😜