Ladybird/Ladybug - Beetle's🐞 amazing moments in the rain!

in Fascinating Insects β€’ 3 months ago

This tiny little Beetle 🐞 was strolling around in my #garden when it started raining.

The Beetle 🐞 probably panicked, initially and started swiftly walking here and there, possibly to hide under some leaf. The amazing creativity of Mother #Nature

Rain drops started falling on it and it continued to pour, eventually every nook and corner of my garden was wet...wet...wet...all over!

The Cute, tiny little Beetle 🐞 continued its efforts to run away but didn't succeed. I was following the Beetle 🐞 curiously to see and believe the kind of efforts it was putting, but in vain.

During this process of escaping it slipped and turned upside down and started moving it's legs vigorously and more impatiently to get back onto it's normal position but struggled pretty hard.

Ultimately, I decided to help this tiny little Beetle 🐞 with the help of a leaf🌿 and let it go hidden under a tree 🌲 next to a tiny little shrub, so that it can remain protected and hidden for a while till the rain stops.

After a while rain stopped and the tiny little Beetle 🐞 flew away to some other undisclosed location.

It was totally worth following/chasing the Beetle and lovingly capture those moments.

Here are couple of captures that will enthralling to watch.

Enjoy watching these moments.

Name: Ladybird aka Ladybug aka The Beetle 🐞

Quite interestingly... Ladybirds can widely range in length from about 1 mm to over 10 mm in length, depending upon its species.
Moreover, female Beetles 🐞 are on average larger than male Beetles 🐞













Hope you liked the captures and enjoyed watching them.

Thank you,


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