rostik924 (67)in Lifestyle • 2 months agoEnd of the swimming season 2024 / Ukončení plavecké sezóny 2024. (Eng/Czech)Otužilci v obci Lužice pořádají každý rok na Silvestra ukončení plavecké sezóny. letos se sšlo hodně lidí. Osobně otužilce jakolidi obdivuji. Jsem tvor teplomilný a vlézt do vody o teplotě tři stupně nadrostik924 (67)in Photography Lovers • 2 months agoA little walk on the second Christmas Day / Malá procházka na druhý svátek vánočníFeeder for forest animals. Doesn't look like it's very well frequented. The forest dwellers have plenty of natural food for now.rostik924 (67)in Photography Lovers • 3 months agoAutomobiles brand Škoda, successor of Laurin and Klement. A new brand and a new direction of development / Automobily značka Škoda, následovník Laurin a Klement. Nová značka a i nový směr vývojeSo today we took a little look at the history of the Czech automotive brand Škoda.rostik924 (67)in Photography Lovers • 3 months agoLaurin & Klement: pioneers of Czech motorcycle and bicycle production / Laurin & Klement: Průkopníci české výroby motocyklů a motorových kolIn our last post we looked at some of the types of cars from Laurin and Klement.rostik924 (67)in Photography Lovers • 3 months agoLaurin & Klement - Roots of Czech automotive production / Laurin & Klement – Kořeny české automobilové výrobyThese machines are incredibly beautiful. They have been constructed without the aid of computers, they hide the craftsmanship of many professions,rostik924 (67)in Worldmappin • 4 months agoTrebic Jewish Quarter, a UNESCO World Heritage Site / Třebíčská židovská čtvrť památka zapsaná v UNESCOFrom the little square you see in the previous photo we enter the Jewish town at house no. 10, which is called the house at the Jewish Gate.rostik924 (67)in Black And White • 4 months agoMonomad: Old and twisted vine trunks, like the heads of mythical creatures / Staré a zkroucené kmeny vinné révy, jako hlavy bájných tvorůThe natural shape of the wood resembles some mysterious face or eye of an animal, perhaps a creature from myths .rostik924 (67)in Worldmappin • 4 months ago Luhačovice Spa and Colonnade, a place that heals body and soul / Lázně a kolonáda Luhačovice, místo které léčí tělo i dušiI'll save the sunbathing for last. The unique work of architect Dušan Jurkovič. It was opened in 1903rostik924 (67)in Worldmappin • 4 months agoSt. Procopius Basilica in Trebic: a medieval pearl with a deep story / Bazilika svatého Prokopa v Třebíči: Středověká perla s hlubokým příběhemThe Basilica of St. Procopius, the most important monuments of medieval Europe and is listed by UNESCO.rostik924 (67)in Česky! • 4 months agoCo v poslední době dělám a tvořím a učím se - What I've been doing and creating and learning latelyBuďte zdrávi milí přátelé Možná se někteří ptáte, kam jsem zmizel, nebo proč už se nějakou dobu neobjevujé moje fotoreportáže. Nebo si taky o sobě moc myslím a celkem nikoho to nezajímá. Ale to je celkemrostik924 (67)in Worldmappin • 5 months agoChurch of the Holy Family in Luhačovice, modern concept of sacral architecture / Kostel Svaté rodiny v Luhačovicích, moderní pojetí sakrální architekturyIt's completely different here. The beautiful bright, airy space, with an uplifting impressionrostik924 (67)in Worldmappin • 5 months ago Luhačovice, a spa town with beautiful architecture / Luhačovice, lázeňské město s nádhernou architekturouIt's hard to describe. When you walk around his and his inspired buildings, you feel like in a fairy tale.rostik924 (67)in #cesky • 5 months ago Recipe for preserved pumpkin with sugar saving / Recept na zavařené dýně s úsporou cukruSo I dusted off the memories and processed them the way my grandmother used torostik924 (67)in Photography Lovers • 6 months ago Surface textures are an endless source of ideas / Textury povrchů nekonečný zdroj námětů It's textures. capture surfaces of different materials such as wood, metal, leather, concrete, fabrics, etc.rostik924 (67)in Worldmappin • 6 months agoMuseum of Petroleum Quarrying and Geology. One hundred years of oil production / Muzeum nafotvého dobývání a geologie. Sto let těžby ropy The history of oil production in the region dates back to the 19th century.rostik924 (67)in Worldmappin • 6 months agoSynagogue in Strážnice, a place with a rich history and a lively present / Synagoga ve Strážnici, místo s bohatou historií i živou současnostíThe Strážnice Synagogue is a building with a rich history that today serves as an important cultural centrerostik924 (67)in Worldmappin • 7 months ago The Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Strážnice with a miraculous image of the Virgin Mary / Kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie ve Strážnici se zázračným obrazem Panny Marie The painting depicts the Virgin Mary with the Child Jesus and is considered miraculous.rostik924 (67)in Photography Lovers • 7 months agoFeast celebrations and parade on St. Lawrence in Hodonín / Hodové oslavy a průvod na svatého Vavřince v HodoníněThe historical parade is very varied, with the executioner and the convict, heralds and flag bearers, and comediansrostik924 (67)in Worldmappin • 7 months agoStrážnice - small town under the White Tower, second part / Strážnice - městečko pod Bílou věží, druhá částAnd here we are. Veselská Gate is the second of the preserved remnants of the former strong fortification against the Hungarian and Turkish raids.rostik924 (67)in Worldmappin • 7 months agoStrážnice, historically significant cultural center of south-eastern Moravia / Strážnice, historicky významné kulturní středisko jihovýchodní Moravy The first thing that strikes us when entering the town are the remains of fortifications from the 16th century, the Skalická Gate.