Osobně otužilce jakolidi obdivuji. Jsem tvor teplomilný a vlézt do vody o teplotě tři stupně nad nad nulou a teplotou vzduchu dva stupně pod nulou, by asi bylo moje poslední
dobrodružství v životě.
Panovala příjemná atmosféra, k dispozici byl stánek se svařeným vínem a klobásami. Lidi veselí a v dobré náladě.
Jen nevím, jak to dělají v létě, aby si udrželi tu odolnost ve studené vodě. Musím se příště zeptat. V únoru totiž proběhne ,,Lužický drsňák" To je plavání, jízda na kole a běh. Tak bude příležitost.
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Personally, I admire the hardy people as people. I'm a thermophilic creature and getting into water three degrees above zero and air temperature two degrees below zero would probably be my last
adventure of my life.
There was a pleasant atmosphere, with a stall of mulled wine and sausages. People were cheerful and in good spirits.
I just don't know how they do it in the summer to maintain that resilience in cold water. I'll have to ask next time. In February, there's the "Lusatian Roughneck". It's swimming, cycling and running. So there will be an opportunity.
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Wow, this is an extreme activity. I wouldn't dare to do it, but I think it's good to maintain traditions.
These people are amazing!
I admire them, it takes persistent training. I just don't know how they maintain that cold resistance in the summer.
Everywhere people are cheerful and start the year with happiness 😀 these people also do great activities 🙏
Everyone looks so happy, it's really nice to see. That's why I love this kind of event and occasionally try to get there. It's otherwise too easy to get caught up in the routine and stay at home 😀🎉