Undetermined insect

Některý hmyz se zatím nepodařilo určit.
Some insects have not yet been identified.
Algunos insectos aún no se han identificado.


Sunday Pan,Central Kalahari, 4.3.2020 https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/40711393 https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/196934-Anthia

Fotografie jako důkaz. Zveřejňuji svá pozorování na iNaturalist.org Identifikace je potvrzena ostatními uživateli.
Photo as an evidence. I publish my observations on iNaturalist.org Identification is confirmed by other users.
Foto como prueba. Publico mis observaciones en iNaturalist.org Otros usuarios confirman la identificación.


It is called an "oogpister carabid" my friend.


As a morbid man would say, I see everything ha ha ha, sorry for the joke but it's true, your camera captured every detail very well.
Happy Sunday

Krása. Miluju brouky. 😊😘