womic rebloggedholdonla (65)in Threespeak • 3 years agoWinter on the lake▶️ Watch on 3Speak En: We waited a long time for the lake to finally freeze. And it already looked very promising. The ice froze 5cm thick. But now comes the warm front.…womic rebloggedholdonla (65)in Illmensee • 3 years agoJust a few picturesEn: Because we've been in quarantine for over a week, we won't get anywhere. Not even for a walk. As a result, my #Actifit looks pretty desolate over the last few days. So here…womic rebloggedholdonla (65)in #beersaturday • 3 years agoBeerSaturday TuborgBeerSaturday, womic rebloggedholdonla (65)in Actifit • 3 years agoMy Actifit Report Card: January 17 2022Ok i did not do much today. Just a shopping and i was at work. Dnes jsem toho moc nestihl. Zvládl jsem jen jet na nákup a jit do práce. And the picture i did steal from my…womic rebloggedholdonla (65)in Actifit • 3 years agoMy Actifit Report Card: January 13 2022Today i did manage to make a walk around whole lake. And the rest i made at work. Dnes sem dal celé kolečko kolem jezera. A zbytek kroků jsem dorazil v práci. And here is a…womic rebloggedholdonla (65)in Actifit • 3 years agoMy Actifit Report Card: January 16 2022As an every day we did walk around the lake Illmensee. Than one more time with friends. Amd at work i managed a few steps too. Tak jako každý den jsme obešli jezero, pak jeste…womic rebloggedholdonla (65)in Actifit • 3 years agoMy Actifit Report Card: January 12 2022Today was a lazy day. So the walk was short just 2500 steps amd the rest i have made at work. Dnes se mi ráno moc na vycházku nechtelo, ale šel jsem. Takže procházka udělala…womic (64)in Photography Lovers • 3 years agoJust a few photos - Jen pár fotekEN - At a gas station in Belgium CZ - U benzínové stanice v belgii Nice house Pěkný dúm Gas station again Zase benzínka Old Belgium Central Train Station…womic (64)in Qurator • 3 years ago Turkey - KrocanEN - The weekend cooking was successful again. Me and a colleague from work were in charge of the side dish and small work around but the main thing, which is the meat was taken…womic (64)in Photography Lovers • 3 years agoJust a few photos - Jen pár fotekBelgie - Antverpen Be Hive Buďte Hivewomic rebloggedorlofka (47)in Qurator • 3 years agoSoutěž MANDALA - MANDALA competitionwomic (64)in Qurator • 3 years agoMandalaQurator's Art Walk EN - Created in the application on the phone. CZ - Vytvořeno v aplikaci v telefonu. Be Hive Budte Hivewomic rebloggedorlofka (47)in Build-It • 3 years agoVýroba reborn miminka - Production of reborn babiesCZ.Po otevření balení. EN.After opening the package. Kontrola všech komponentů. Inspection of all components. Nachystám barvy ,štětce. Nanesu několik vrstev…womic (64)in Photography Lovers • 3 years agoJust a few photos - Jen pár fotekBe Hive Budte Hivewomic (64)in Photography Lovers • 3 years ago Visit to Bučovice - Návštěva v BučovicíchEN - Hi, after an unpleasant visit to the city of Brno and after the kindness of the local citizens, I decided to visit my parents after a long time. They still needed to share…womic (64)in Photography Lovers • 3 years agoReturn to the Czech Republic - Návrat do ČREN - The work on Gozo is done. I was to fly to the Czech Republic just to pick up my future wife (I was naive), I had to go back to the island of Gozo and work there and live…womic (64)in Build-It • 3 years agoWork on the island of Gozo - Práce na ostrově GozoEN - Why I was in Malta islad Gozo. CZ - Proč jsem byl na maltě na ostrově Gozo. I got contact from my friend's wife, I wrote what I could do and in 14 days I flew to the…womic rebloggedorlofka (47)in NeedleWorkMonday • 3 years ago For babies Pro miminkaCZ , Ochladilo se, ale naše děti budou v teple. EN , It's getting cold, but our kids will be warm.womic (64)in Photography Lovers • 3 years ago A small tour of the island of Gozo - Malá prohlídka ostrova GozoMorning coffee and breakfast. Ranní káva a snídaně. Way to work. Cesta do práce. Working outlook. This and many other resorts are for rent all year round.…womic (64)in Photography Lovers • 4 years agoMalta-Gozo photography