En: Because we've been in quarantine for over a week, we won't get anywhere. Not even for a walk. As a result, my #Actifit looks pretty desolate over the last few days. So here are some older photos from the walks.
Cz: Protože už jsme přes týden v karanténě, tak se nikam nedostanem. Ani na procházku ne. Tím pádem můj #Actifit vypadá za několik posledních dní celkem pustě. Přídám tedy zde pár starších fotek z procházek.
We just came out of lockdown too though my @actifit looks a little desolate in the winter in normal times!
So great to get out there, get active and get paid!
Awesome stuff for a #wednesdaywalk or a #sublimesunday if you are looking to be walking and photographing and blogging with others like you.
quarantine has always been effective disease control for people who are sick with a contagious disease. what is today referred to as quarantine for healthy people is in fact nothing short of detainment
Jop, exactly. there is just one thing good on it and that is the time i was given to write a post.
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