Taming the Jumping Spider

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Here are a few short video clips that I strung together with one of my oud songs showing me trying to tame the daring jumping spider I have as a pet. I found this spider cold on the window this fall and decided to keep it over the winter. In spring I'll let it go to guard my balcony plants from aphids. For now it gets to stay inside and keep warm while eating plenty of crickets.

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A large one: do you know the species?

This one is a Phiddipus sp. I think Phiddipus regius (regal umping spider). A gorgeous adult male at that.

You were close the male regius does look like this audaux female. I wish I could find male for her so she can have spiderlings hatch in spring.

Oh, awesome! No wonder her butt is so big, I was thinking "that's one well-fed male", haha. Just a healthy female. I reckon if you check out some online hobby groups you might find someone willing to lend their male for breeding (most arrangements I've heard of do a 50-split on the surviving slings that reach their 2nd instar). Bold and regals are quite popular for hobbyists. I think Facebook is where you'll have most luck, but perhaps other socials. Or your local pet store might know? Worth a shot.

There is an animal expo near me that sometimes has jumping spiders for sale along with all sorts of exotic spiders. These little daring jumping spiders are fairly common around here in the wild so in spring when they come out again maybe there will be a male to catch.

Yeah its a daring or bold jumping spider with a latin name of phiddipus audax. I have this one nearly used to being handled, it used to just ricochet around my hand now it crawls carefully, soon it will be tame enough to do the mirror dance trick on it.

I should show this to my arachnophobic D&D GM. Mwahahahaha! I like that turquoise color the main pair of eyes get when the light reflects right toward the end.

All the species tend to have iridescent fangs, I think they use it to spot each other to distinguish prey from spider. This one resembles the giant spider from d&d it definitely has speed and agility skills.

So cool…. 😎

Its still a bit skeptical of being handled but it seems to be getting used to it.

I can imagine. Bit by bit… 😉