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RE: Jumping pebble

in Kindness Rocks2 days ago (edited)

It's funny how we see the things we make ourselves. I always thought you did a very fine job of painting the rocks. They all exuded happiness and after all, isn't that what you were trying to spread around?

I'm glad you are up to it again. Green! Just in time for St. Paddy's Day.


That's true, it is not even how aesthetic it is but if it provoked some reactions in others. If it brought joy or at least a smile, then I am happy too 😇

Oh yes, it was Saint Patrick's Day yesterday (sorry for the delayed reply) - one of the students came in a green jacket, green t-shirt, and other green accessories too :D

I had forgotten in the morning yesterday that it was St. Pat's day, but when I remembered while working at my desk, I looked down at what I was wearing and my bright yellow, flowery lounger had some green leaves or vines between the butterflies, so I pronounced myself good. LOL