Crypto game NEON DISTRICT and box opening

in 1UP3 years ago


Who dont know me im bokica80 from splinterlands and twitch
Now i will show you one more crypto game NEON DISTRICT
Neon district is web browser game like risingstar where you work missions, make champions, upgrade champions, buy lootchests, open chests and get NFT-s item (armours and weapons).
Items are random rarity, so chance to get legendary NFT is 1.4%
I dont like 2 things in game, first is game is on etherium network, i dont like fee on etherium is too expensive, and second thing we cant sell NEON (crypto from game like DEC from splinterlands).
500 neon or 1 box cost like 5 usd.


Lets open one chest:


i cant belive in this

next step is SELL this item on opensea network.
To make transfer from game to metamask wallet you need to setup 2 factor autehnicator and put your wallet adress.
this legendary item in shop is 3 eth, i cant belive in this prices and who is crazy to give that mutch but if i make trade and get that money, i will spend all in splinterlands to buy cards sps and chaos packs or mabey landplot...


This is price for this ultra rare card factor fabricator renegade
7,700 usd daaaaaaaaaaam
if i sell this i will make collection for gold in splinterlands
i know is ultra rare but BRO almost 6k buks...
who is crazy hire XD



If you really sell that item that gonna be huge thing :D
Imagine it's like pulling out 10 gf legendary cards in Splinterlands xDDD

i have around 50 NFT-s in this game if i sucess seling something uh... Rich people are crazy mabey someone buy something XD

Wow amazing pull bro!!!
I've been playing this game for some time now only got 2 ultra rare so far.
Please do make a post when the armor is sold.
Again congratulations on your amazing pull or legendary item.

i think nobody is crazy to pay that much but if i sell that all going in my splinterlands game

We'll see about that just need to be more patient until it's finally sold

Nice pull! I've been playing ND for around a year now, made quite a bit of money from the game at the start but its drastically dropped now. Highest I've sold a legendary card for was around $40, then 20 then 15, 10, now I see the legendary card range sitting lowest around $2.

Bots have swarmed the game multiple times, they flood the market with these infinite supply cards so sadly selling cards isn't as profitable as it once was, on the plus side there are buying bots, who seem to sweep the cheapest ND items from opensea.

In my opinion, I would save up your Neon until they upgrade/change the game as they've recently announced they've been funded by a VC ontop of other good news in the past months regarding the future of ND. So far sitting on 50k after deciding to stop selling, hopefully will pay off with better rewards one day!

i notice on some items i have symbol "matic" blue M, and that items can transfer on opensea, but last 2 items i get dont have that symbol, so probably cant sell them...
i have 4 full inventory of items i mean NFT-s but need sell them somehow. I search tutorials but i find only one... If you get money for items can you make one blogpost with full tutorioal , i mean i know how to make 2-autehnication, i know how to send item in metamask, but last night i dont recive 1 item on opensea so i doo something wrong probably...
If i can sell this NFT-s i will send all money in splinterlands

WHATTT wow congrats boki I played this game for about a week but completely forgot about it damn I should get back on it and try again it's pretty passive and easy to do. Hope they sell bro good luck