Nice pull! I've been playing ND for around a year now, made quite a bit of money from the game at the start but its drastically dropped now. Highest I've sold a legendary card for was around $40, then 20 then 15, 10, now I see the legendary card range sitting lowest around $2.
Bots have swarmed the game multiple times, they flood the market with these infinite supply cards so sadly selling cards isn't as profitable as it once was, on the plus side there are buying bots, who seem to sweep the cheapest ND items from opensea.
In my opinion, I would save up your Neon until they upgrade/change the game as they've recently announced they've been funded by a VC ontop of other good news in the past months regarding the future of ND. So far sitting on 50k after deciding to stop selling, hopefully will pay off with better rewards one day!
i notice on some items i have symbol "matic" blue M, and that items can transfer on opensea, but last 2 items i get dont have that symbol, so probably cant sell them...
i have 4 full inventory of items i mean NFT-s but need sell them somehow. I search tutorials but i find only one... If you get money for items can you make one blogpost with full tutorioal , i mean i know how to make 2-autehnication, i know how to send item in metamask, but last night i dont recive 1 item on opensea so i doo something wrong probably...
If i can sell this NFT-s i will send all money in splinterlands