I love these pixelart contests. I was already a fan about two years or longer, when they were done on Steem. Keep it up!
For next week, Pixelart Contest #5, I will throw in 5 Hive and 1000 #creativecoin for the winner. The only condition for all artists is to use the #creativecoin tag for their posts, so I can properly curate them with the CCC token, so they can ALL get extra tokens that way. Otherwise their posts will not be able to earn CCC tokens.
I'm so sorry, I thought I replied to your comment. Thank you so much for the support!!
On Steem the Pixelart contests were held by someone else, but I had a lot of fun participating back then. I'm definitely feeling nostalgia for those ^_^
Thank you again! I'll add your rule in the contest #5 :D Do you have a theme request?
I would like to suggest the "Milky Way" as the theme. There are many ways to show it. Below are two very different views. Quite challenging I suppose. I have send you the 5 Hive and 1000 CCC.
Ooo I love the theme!! :D I'll definitely try drawing it for tutorial too!
And thank you for sending the hive and CC ^^ I might need some help with how to apply CCC to users/posts as I've never done it before
I think all they have to do is use #creativecoin as a tag. And when you want to send it to the winner(s), you can do so on https://dex.leofinance.io/ (which is way better than Hive Engine). It works with Keychain.
Ooh thank you, I have to check it out :D I was wondering what is Leo Finance that I keep seeing
Actually, you can even use the Peakd wallet to send Hive Engine tokens. If you don't use Peakd.com, you are clearly missing out. Particularly as an artist, as they support a portfolio page which looks sooooo cool.
Hehe, I do use peaked, I keep finding new tricks about it constantly :D