Hello everyone! Welcome to the second Pixelart community contest! The main goal is to have some fun <3 This week's theme is Crystals
The winner(s) will get this post's total payout number but in Hive. Any donations to the prize pool are appreciated and will receive a shoutout. Minimum prize pool is 5 Hive.
I'll pick the winner, your post quality can influence my choice.
Depending on the prize pool size I'll pick winner(s) and possibly honorable mentions.
Extra: if we have 3+ entries- 1 random entry will win 2 hive(from me).
● Most important- Only Original Art!!
● No copying other pixelart
● You can use photo reference.
● Non-traditional pixelart is welcome: like color pencils on paper
● No auto-pixel filters allowed
● At least 1 in progress picture
I'm more lenient for the rest of the rules.
● Make a post
● You must post or cross-post in Pixelart community.
● Share your art preview and post link the comments
● Use pixelart as one of your tags.
● Recommended: comment on at least 1 other entry in this contest
● ヽ( ・∀・)ノ Remember to put some effort into how you write your post- OCD is watching ;)
● Minimum 1 crystal, feel free to draw more, but it will count as one entry.
Deadline is Wednesday 30.7, 23:00 UTC/GMT
I'll announce the winner and next contest theme on Thursday, around same time as this post.
Feel free to ask any questions or add any suggestions in the comments.
It was so hard to pick but here it is! I'm so happy how many awesome entries there were for the very first contest, I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did <3
Previous Week's Winner!
I love the fish variety and the blue one really caught my eyes :D The post includes steps for each fish.
Honorable Mention: @aussieninja
I just want to squeeze it so bad, it's so adorable and derpy <3 :O
Honorable Mention: @cesarisaad
This is amazing amount of details and I hope to see more of @cesarisaad 's pixelart :D
Random: @mariela53
Let me know if you'd like me to tag you so you get notified whenever new pixelart contest is out ^_^
More info
Thank you guys for so many amazing comments on my previous post ^-^Dragon Head Winners: @flauwy & @zacknorman97
I drew the crystals in 2017 based on photo reference. This weeks pixel tutorial won't be about crystals (the process was very similar as my fish tutorial), but I hope you'll like it :D
Tomorrow I have a motivational post planned ;)
If you liked these drawings, please don't forget to check out and support the awesome posts in Pixelart Community
I'm looking forward to your entries!!! ^_^
Gracias por el premio aleatorio agradecida.Saludos
Thank you for participating ^_^ I hope you join again :D
Hi! Just a reminder, around 24h left for the pixelart contest theme crystals :D
Nice... but you got the title wrong! 😜
Ahhh nooo 😂 Thank you for the catch! I was worried that might happen and I still did it....
Oh oh oh! 😂
Whoooo! Thank you so much! Congratulations to JungleOnion too, they really do look great!!
This is so exciting, Kristy, your crystals already look amazing... we're going to have to step it up!!
Hi! Just a reminder, around 24h left for the pixelart contest theme crystals :D
Thanks Kristy! I was so shocked to find out today was Tuesday already! I've got something about half finished...
Ahh good luck looking forward to your art ^_^
Hey Kristy... is the comp due at 23:00 on Wednesday the 29th or Thursday the 30th? I'm assuming Wednesday but just want to check.
Thank you so much for participating!! :D
Nice, the prize pool also stepped up xD
You got some pretty nice entries with the fish, be interesting to see what people come up with for this one :D
Yess! I'm so looking forward and we have even bigger prize pool :D
Have you considered giving it a try?
Nope. I run away from all signs of comps/challenges like the coward I am.
Awww, you're not a coward, you know your preferences ^^
Wow, that is so cool. Thank you so much for the dragon head. I love it!
Aww my pleasure ^-^
Hi! Just a reminder, around 24h left for the pixelart contest theme crystals :D
Oh wow, cheers for the mention, and the dragon head! It looks awesome, as is always, but somehow logging into NFT Showroom isn't working properly. Typed in my Hive username, and it doesn't seem to be doing anything, but I'm hoping to get logged in soon to see those wonderful dragons! Thanks, and have a great day :-)
Ahh you need keychain for hive right now to log in :) Not sure if they'll add other options I can ask.
Oh, I see. I'm using HiveSigner right now, but I guess I could try and setup KeyChain for it to work. Cheers for that info, I'll try that again :-D
Good luck, let me know if you try and still have problems ^^
Thanks for the help, mate. I got KeyChain setup and running, and I'm logging into NFTShowroom without any problems now. I see that my Squip likes eating mangoes, just like me :-D
Thanks again for the lovely gift!
Yay, glad it worked out ^-^
My pleasure! Thank you for awesome and engaging comments
You're very welcome, and keep it up with the amazing artwork :-D
Thank you for the prize Kristy I'm glad my fish did good 😋 excited to give the crystals a try.
Yay, looking forward to your next pixelart :D
Excellent drawing in pixelart congratulations to all the winners
Thank you for participating ^^
Excellent drawing in pixelart congratulations to all the winners
Hi! Just a reminder, around 24h left for the pixelart contest theme crystals :D
Greetings thanks for warning
My entry 😊
My entry 😊:
I really liked your glass. Congratulations
Hello. Here my entry:
My entry 😊:
Your pixelart is excellent. Good luck in the contest. Regards
Saludos compañeros. Aquí dejo mi entrada