Oh wow, cheers for the mention, and the dragon head! It looks awesome, as is always, but somehow logging into NFT Showroom isn't working properly. Typed in my Hive username, and it doesn't seem to be doing anything, but I'm hoping to get logged in soon to see those wonderful dragons! Thanks, and have a great day :-)
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Ahh you need keychain for hive right now to log in :) Not sure if they'll add other options I can ask.
Oh, I see. I'm using HiveSigner right now, but I guess I could try and setup KeyChain for it to work. Cheers for that info, I'll try that again :-D
Good luck, let me know if you try and still have problems ^^
Thanks for the help, mate. I got KeyChain setup and running, and I'm logging into NFTShowroom without any problems now. I see that my Squip likes eating mangoes, just like me :-D
Thanks again for the lovely gift!
Yay, glad it worked out ^-^
My pleasure! Thank you for awesome and engaging comments
You're very welcome, and keep it up with the amazing artwork :-D
Thank you ^-^