I read your post and without a doubt tears come to my eyes my dear brother, because I did exactly the same when it was my turn, I simply wanted to hide from the world and everyone, however the just and necessary people were with me helping me through those moments and were very helpful.
In your case I think it was the same, now you understand that it is not the quantity but the quality of people you have by your side that are important, I can not promise that it will be easier, the days go by like roller coasters, but I do know something and that is that as long as you have those people that are in the picture by your side, the walk will always be easier. I send you a big hug brother.
Leo tu post y sin duda me vienen las lágrimas a los ojos mi querido hermano, porque yo hice exactamente lo mismo cuando me tocó a mi, simplemente quise esconderme del mundo y de todos, sin embargo las personas justas y necesarias estuvieron conmigo ayudándome a pasar esos momentos y fueron de mucha ayuda.
En tu caso creo que fue igual, ahora comprendes que no es la cantidad sino la calidad de personas que tienes a tu lado las que son importantes, no puedo prometer que va a ser más fáciles, los días pasan como montañas rusas, pero si sé algo y es que mientras tengas a esas personas que salen en la foto a tu lado, el caminar siempre será más fácil. Te envío un gran abrazo hermano.
Maria, what I want most of all is for them to always be there. I don't know if I can ever endure another situation like the one we went through. In fact, I still live in fear. I am working on it, but the trauma is great. Thank you for reading my post. I love you very much and I hug you in the distance...