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RE: Today hope wears pink [ENG-ESP]

The great critical knot in our case, is the meager political will and exacerbated resistance to articulation, which translates into considerable deficiencies in the health sector, coupled with the restricted purchasing power of the female population and / or male plaintiff, consequently curtailing the timely diagnosis and treatment with the consequences that this represents to the detriment of rehabilitation and recovery of health.
It has been the union of the population, private organizations and their commitment to cooperate with the health sector that has contributed some light on the way, however, it is necessary to recognize that we would do more if the State would assume its responsibility, contributing with what corresponds to it.
It is a multifactorial and multidimensional dilemma, in which emotions and feelings swarm in different directions, where as health personnel and as a population we are immersed, we do not falter , in the fight against breast cancer and other pathologies of interest in Collective Health.
Thank you for your valuable contribution, health and well-being !LUV

marilourHello @jjmusa2004, I thank you for joining the dissertation and socialization of a disease that every day that passes reports greater morbidity and mortality worldwide and in the case of my country, Venezuela, its presence is increasingly frequent in women at young ages. #emotionsfeelings

El gran nudo crítico en nuestro caso, es la exigua voluntad política y la exacerbada resistencia a la articulación, lo que se traduce en considerables deficiencias en el sector salud, aunado al restringido poder adquisitivo de la población femenina y/o masculina demandante, coartando en consecuencia el diagnóstico y tratamiento oportuno con las consecuencias que esto representa en detrimento de la rehabilitación y recuperación de la salud.
Ha sido la unión de la población, las organizaciones privadas y su compromiso de cooperar con el sector salud lo que ha aportado algunas luces en el camino, sin embargo, es necesario reconocer que haríamos más si el Estado asumiera su responsabilidad, aportando lo que le corresponde.
Es un dilema multifactorial y multidimensional, en el que pululan emociones y sentimientos en diferentes direcciones, donde como personal de salud y como población estamos inmersos, no desfallecemos, en la lucha contra el cáncer de mama y otras patologías de interés en Salud Colectiva.
Gracias por su valiosa aportación, salud y bienestar.Hola @jjmusa2004, te agradezco por sumarte a la disertación y socialización de una enfermedad que cada día que pasa reporta mayor morbimortalidad a nivel mundial y en el caso de mi país, Venezuela, su presencia es cada vez más frecuente en mujeres a edades tempranas.


Thank you for your insightful description. Though there is paucity of medics in your country, it would be a step in the right direction if there are a few noble colleagues venture into the political atmosphere with hope that they would bring a positive change to the health sector and by extension, diseases such as index that has begun to ravage or become more prevalent among the younger generation. My apologies for late response and it is always a pleasure to have a conversation / engagement with you. I wish you well and Goodspeed!