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RE: Hive top chef - Litti Chokha over Bonfire. (Authentic cuisine of Eastern India)

in Qurator2 days ago

What is the bonfire made of? It almost looks like lava? That is pretty crazy. You definitely should crosspost this in my grilling and smoking community! If you cooking with lava isn't grilling and smoking, I don't know what is! We have a couple Indian restaurants in the town where I grew up, but I am seldom adventurous to try them!


It might sounds strange, but the bonfire is of dried Cowdung. In India, dried cow dung is molded into cakes called upla or kanda and used in traditional kitchens called chulahs. ..and sometimes used for bonfire. ..

No kidding. That is pretty crazy. It makes sense, but I never would have guessed of using them like that.

This is very common in small town and villages. People afford it free of cost. They simply paste the dungs on the ground or walls to make cake, once dried, they simply use it. I think would make a post on it.... a minimalist way of living.

That's definitely very insteresting!