Memory Monday. My moments of faith (Es-Eng)

in Qurator9 months ago
Que alegría volver a esta maravillosa ¨Qurator Community¨:  Hoy como todos los días lunes visitando este genial lugar para recordarles a todos pasar por el block de nuestro amigo @ericvancewalton para comprobar la pregunta de la iniciativa #memoirmonday. Una idea genial que tiene como finalidad escribir nuestra propia historia que será alojada en nuestra ¨cadena¨ de ¨bloques¨#Hive y estará a disposición de nuestros seres queridos por siempre

Source: Family Álbum

What a joy to return to this wonderful ¨Qurator Community¨:  Today like every Monday visiting this great place to remind everyone to stop by our friend @ericvancewalton's block to check the question of the #memoirmonday initiative. A great idea that aims to write our own story that will be hosted in our "chain" of "#Hive blocks" and will be available to our loved ones forever

¨esta iniciativa¨:  La versión corta seria; nuestro amigo Erick cada semana formula una pregunta personal y tendrás toda la semana para crear un post con la respuesta. Esta semana la pregunta está relacionada a nuestra formación en la fe Para aquellos que por primera vez están viendo mi post, les comento que participar del #memoirmonday es muy sencillo, aun así, les invito a ver las normas de

Source: Family Álbum

¨this initiative¨:  The short version would be; Our friend Erick asks a personal question every week and you will have all week to create a post with the answer. This week the question is related to our formation in faith For those who are seeing my post for the first time, I tell you that participating in #memoirmonday is very simple, even so, I invite you to see the rules of

Nací en una casa de personas creyentes, mis padres son católicos tal como fueron sus padres, y como mis padres, recibí una formación religiosa. Como ordena nuestra doctrina religiosa fui bautizado en una ¨iglesia¨¨católica, mi primer sacramento se llevó a cabo en una hermosa iglesia llamada¨Basílica¨ de ¨Nuestra¨ ¨Señora¨ de ¨Itatí¨:  un hermoso santuario de nuestra provincia. En la época en que nací, era el templo que más escogían los devotos para realizar el bautismo a sus niños. En mi caso, mis padres pidieron a nuestra ¨santa¨ ¨patrona¨ su bendición en mi nacimiento, y al nacer se comprometían ofrecer mi primer sacramente en esta ¨basílica¨

Source: Family Álbum

I was born in a house of believing people, my parents are Catholics just as their parents were, and like my parents, I received a religious formation. As ordered by our religious doctrine, I was baptized in a Catholic church, my first sacrament took place in a beautiful church called¨Basílica¨ de ¨Nuestra¨ ¨Señora¨ de ¨Itatí¨:  a beautiful sanctuary in our province. At the time I was born, it was the temple most chosen by devotees to perform baptism on their children. In my case, my parents asked our “saint” “patroness” for her blessing on my birth, and at birth they agreed to offer my first sacrament in this “basilica”

En mi ciudad hay muchas ¨instituciones¨¨religiosas¨ que brindan el servicio de educación, y lo fue lo que escogieron mis padres para mi formación académica. A diferencias de otras escuelas del estado, aquí podías seguir cumpliendo con los otros dos ¨sacramentos¨ importantes de nuestra fe. Fue en la escuela ¨Nuestra¨ ¨Señora¨ de la ¨Misericordia¨ donde tomé la ¨primera¨¨comunión¨ y recibí el ¨sacramento¨ de la ¨confirmación¨

Source: Family Álbum

In my city there are many “religious institutions” that provide educational services, and that was what my parents chose for my academic training. Unlike other schools in the state, here you could continue fulfilling the other two important “sacraments” of our faith. It was at the “Our Lady” of “Mercy” school where I took the “first communion” and received the “sacrament” of “confirmation”

Soy una persona que practica la fe de los cristianos, y trato de alinearme con nuestros ¨mandamientos¨, a diferencia de los creyentes, no voy a misa los días domingos como carácter obligatorio, asisto cuando tengo la necesidad de visitar la casa del señor, no comulgo, ni me confieso ante un sacerdote, soy de las personas que sus plegarias las hacen en casa en la soledad y la tranquilidad de la noche, antes o después de un examen de conciencia

Source: Family Álbum

I am a person who practices the faith of Christians, and I try to align myself with our "commandments", unlike believers, I do not go to mass on Sundays as an obligation, I attend when I have the need to visit the house of the Lord, I do not take communion, nor do I confess before a priest, I am one of those people who pray their prayers at home in the solitude and tranquility of the night, before or after an examination of conscience < /div>

Mi formación religiosa sirvió para tener una vida ordenada, creo en un ser ¨supremo¨ que observa nuestro accionar diario con la capacidad de premiar o castigar nuestras acciones. Me considero una persona que en la medida de las posibilidades ayuda y tiende una mano a los demás sin pedir nada a cambio, confió que nuestro señor, a las personas que hacen el bien recompensa sus acciones con una vida de salud para ellas y sus seres queridos. Respeto todo tipo de creencias y formaciones religiosas, no soy quien, ni estoy preparado para mantener una discusión sobre quien puede tener la razón en una discrepancia religiosa. Esta posición siempre me ha mantenido al margen de cualquier tipo de problema creado por discriminación religiosa.

Source: Family Álbum

My religious training served to have an orderly life, I believe in a "supreme" being that observes our daily actions with the ability to reward or punish our actions. I consider myself a person who, to the extent possible, helps and lends a hand to others without asking for anything in return. I trust that our Lord, rewards people who do good for their actions with a life of health for themselves and their loved ones. dear ones. I respect all types of beliefs and religious formations, I am not the one, nor am I prepared to have a discussion about who may be right in a religious disagreement. This position has always kept me out of any type of problem created by religious discrimination.


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

Greetings @jlufer ,

Thank you for the lovely photographs....and document of your faith-journey account.

If I may inquire....does the Catholic faith teach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ...that He died as a substitute for our sins....and that Salvation is for all who believe in His name.

It has always looked like to bleujay that it does but in a vague sort of way. John 3.16..For God so loved the world that He gave His uniquely born Son so that anyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. and Ephesians 3.8,9 For by Grace are you saved and not that of yourselves, it is the gift of God, lest anyone should boast.

Yes...God hears our prayers to Him through Jesus Christ and the naming of our sins to Him purifies our hearts. IJohn 1.9 If we name our sins, (to God) He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to purify us from all wrongdoing.

No worries if you would rather not answer....enjoyed reading of your Faith-Journey.

All the best...God's best to you and yours.


Hello dear friend @bleujay good morning

Christians go through a teaching process that begins in our homes, and it is our parents who initiate us into the faith, giving way to beginning the first sacrament, which is baptism, this to eliminate original sin.

The second sacrament has to do with communion, and it begins at school age when we children are ten years old we begin what we call cathesism, it is where we receive the teaching, it is where we talk about the entire life of Jesus, from his birth. , his works and his crucifixion, and that he is the one sent by God the Father to be crucified to save us from the wicked

Thank you very much for appreciating my photographs, and my journey of faith.

Have a great day