Memory Monday. The people who have taught me (Es-Eng)

in Qurator2 months ago
Me encanta iniciar la semana visitando esta genial ¨Qurator Community¨:  sobre todo porque tengo que anunciar que está vigente la mueva semana del #memoirmonday; una excelente iniciativa pensada por nuestro amigo @ericvancewalton y que tiene la finalidad de compartir un pensamiento o un mensaje para nuestros seres queridos del futuro. La ¨cadena¨ de ¨bloques¨ de #hive te permite alojar contenidos que estarán disponible para todos y por siempre en la web

Source: Family Álbum

I love starting the week by visiting this great ¨Qurator Community¨:  especially because I have to announce that the new #memoirmonday week is in effect; an excellent initiative thought up by our friend @ericvancewalton and which has the purpose of sharing a thought or a message for our loved ones in the future. The #hive "block chain" allows you to host content that will be available to everyone and forever on the web

Esta es una de esas iniciativas muy sencilla de participar, dado que solo debes ingresar al link de ¨esta iniciativa¨:  y consultar todo lo que tienes que conocer antes de sumarte al desafío. Básicamente se trata de responder una pregunta todas las semanas, y hay siete días para hacerlo

Source: Family Álbum

This is one of those initiatives that is very easy to participate in, since you only have to enter the link "this initiative":  and check out everything you need to know before joining the challenge. Basically it's about answering a question every week, and there are seven days to do it

Me encanta que nuestro amigo Eric haya pensado en este tema para hablar, ya que son personas muy importantes en nuestras vidas, y pocas veces valoramos todas las cosas que han hecho por nosotros para que seamos quienes somos, dado que el saber y el conocimiento es muy importante para tomar decisiones, incluso para descubrir nuestra propia vocación. Los maestros son una extensión de la familia, ya que ellos invierten mucho tiempo y nos tramiten el conocimiento con mucho cariño, pues saben que lo que todo el conocimiento que incorporamos será de gran utilidad para desempeñarnos y encontrar el camino en la vida

Source: Family Álbum

I love that our friend Eric thought of this topic to talk about, since they are very important people in our lives, and we rarely value all the things they have done for us to make us who we are, since knowledge and understanding are very important for making decisions, even for discovering our own vocation. Teachers are an extension of the family, since they invest a lot of time and process knowledge with great care, because they know that all the knowledge we incorporate will be very useful to perform and find our way in life

Tuve la suerte de cruzarme con muchas personas que fueron muy importante en mi capacitación y enseñanza, y que lo aprendido me ha servido de mucho para valerme solo en la vida. Desde niño trabaje en un taller mecánico como ayudante, el dueño del taller,(Luis Esquivel) se ocupaba de capacitarme; Luis conocía muy bien su oficio y sabia como transmitir su conocimiento, esto fue muy importante para que estudiara en la ¨escuela¨ ¨técnica¨, allí conocí al maestro ¨Acosta¨, un profesor muy sencillo y humilde de gran corazón y de mucho conocimiento, del que aprendí más allá de los ¨conocimientos¨¨técnicos¨ que lo que hacemos como profesionales no debe afectar el lugar en donde vivimos, es decir, era una persona que transmitía el amor por nuestro planeta, y nos daba a conocer que había forma de hacer las cosas que podría ser saludable, el me enseño que se podía hacer ¨Biodiésel¨:  o ¨Biogás¨:  para que los vehículos no afecten a nuestro planeta, algo tan importante y controversial para estos tiempos

Source: Family Álbum

I was lucky to meet many people who were very important in my training and teaching, and what I learned has helped me a lot to get by on my own in life. Since I was a child I worked in a mechanic's shop as an assistant, the owner of the shop (Luis Esquivel) was in charge of training me; Luis knew his trade very well and knew how to transmit his knowledge, this was very important for him to study at the "technical" ¨school¨, there I met the teacher ¨Acosta¨, a very simple and humble teacher with a big heart and a lot of knowledge, from whom I learned beyond the technical ¨knowledge¨ that what we do as professionals should not affect the place where we live, that is, he was a person who transmitted the love for our planet, and made us know that there were ways of doing things that could be healthy, he taught me that you could do ¨Biodiesel¨:  or ¨Biogas¨:  so that vehicles do not affect our planet, something so important and controversial in these times

Otra profesional que fue muy importante en mi vida fue la señora Laura Trejo, una profesora dueña de una consultora que se ocupaba de la preparación profesional de los futuros mandos medios en la empresa donde trabajaba. Mas allá de todo el conocimiento técnico ella me ayudo a descubrir cosas que tenía en mi interior que desconocía que lo tuviera, con ella aprendí a desarrollar mi ¨ego¨¨profesional¨ y crecer mi ¨autoestima¨ algo muy importante para hacer bien el trabajo que la empresa me había encomendado, esto fue el inicio de mi ¨carrera¨¨gerencial¨ dentro de la compañía. Hoy y después de muchos años sigo poniendo en práctica toda su enseñanza, dado que es aplicable a cualquier ámbito de la vida

Source: Family Álbum

Another professional who was very important in my life was Mrs. Laura Trejo, a professor who owned a consulting firm that was in charge of the professional training of future middle managers in the company where she worked. Beyond all the technical knowledge, she helped me discover things that I had inside me that I didn't know I had. With her, I learned to develop my professional ego and grow my self-esteem, something very important to do well the work that the company had entrusted me with. This was the beginning of my managerial career within the company. Today, and after many years, I continue to put all her teachings into practice, since they are applicable to any area of life.


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


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Thank you very much dear friends @hivebuzz for this important information
Have a great day everyone

It sounds like your favorite teachers gave you valuable and practical knowledge! I had no idea you worked in a mechanic's shop. Biodiesel was catching on here in the 1990s but due to the newer tailpipe emissions rules there aren't many diesel passenger vehicles left in America. It was amazing that cars could run on recycled cooking oil! I remember the emissions from these biodiesel vehicles smelling like french fries. Thanks for joining us again this week my friend! I appreciate it.

Good morning dear friend @ericvancewalton
The mechanical workshop has been one of my first jobs, it was thanks to that that I studied at the technical school, but more than half of my life I dedicated myself to mass consumption trade
It is always a pleasure to participate in #memoirmonday
Have a beautiful day