As I look at all the dApps that are getting ahead in the curve I am of the feeling that they are more interested in themselves and Hive is just a means to an end.
I see them slowly transition away from Hive as a whole. Like a fly chasing the next big thing I see them slowly move away.
I think that once they find their little audience/userbase they will migrate somewhere else.
Greed. It all boils down to that.
I know. Am a greedy motherfucker.
dapps are businesses not charities and Hive is not some church one swears loyalty to.
I personally see that the best apps we have here are mostly committed to Hive because it works really well for content a accepting json transactions. 3 second block times are good and it works.
If Hive wants to attract and retain dApps, it has to make sure it's a business friendly place, that functions well and supports the apps that choose to use it.
Its an observation of what I am seeing.
You just basically said exactly what had said but in your own twisted way, but in the end its exactly what I had just said.
Hey did I say that you basically saying the same?
lol, I take it you think we said the same thing, in our own twisted way.
I take the bread and spread some butter then add big fat salami.
Watch it go say Pappi