Image source: Unsplash: Garett Mizunaka
Haven't updated on the progress in a while, mostly because I feel I can go harder and bring in better results. I'm hoping more partnerships can be signed off on for Hive in the near future and we can bring in more industry awareness.
Increase in utility
The prime focus remains on utility for Hive stakeholders, be it a trading-related platform to include HIVE/HBD or an exchange. Now when I refer to stakeholders I don't just mean the whales but everyone who has a Hive account and either invested or earned through it enough to self-designate themselves as a stakeholder.
The idea is for Hive stakeholders to have a variety of services they can use to trade through locally or ones that provide a listing or reference that benefits Hive. (For example, think along the lines of Blocktivity which everyone likes to reference as our transactions go up. Unfortunately that API does currently use public nodes to present information and I'm hoping soon it'll get a private node to pull from during maintenance. It's been having a hard time recently with all the node issues.)
If things go as planned we'll have some good announcements out by the end of the month. Nothing is instant and everything takes time to plan and back and forth on because it's not just about introducing Hive to someone. That someone has to be convinced that Hive is worth the time and resources their staff are allotting to it and a lot goes into that.
On the plus side, with @pettycash now set up and loaded there is a lot less work in gathering funds for AMAs and promotional initiatives. I'm hoping this money will last at least half a year with reasonable use (we don't want initiatives on top of one another or they will compete). So far I've been the only one issuing it but that's just based on what I'm responsible for.
Supporting infrastructure
From my team in general there's been ongoing work creating infrastructure. I'm not referring to the work on core deliverables that Blocktrades and his team are working on but primarily in regards to communications and that spectrum of services. All of what we bring in is self-hosted.
While I wanted to get a newsletter platform set up earlier this summer it's now waiting on a new server. The server that was originally designated for it was instead used for testing and then scrapped. No, I got no intention of writing all of those newsletters myself. Working on figuring out signups and submissions that are supported by the blockchain itself rather than a centralized off-chain database. This is a matter of interpreting data and using the blockchain as it's intended as it is.
When we're dealing with decentralization, the way I see it is we present an attractive target. A decentralized community-driven project isn't meant to happen in this world where there are ICOs, startups and transnational monopolies. Every service has to be distributed between several machines so if something is brought down, all components aren't immediately lost. We had attacks, we have a lockdown procedure, we do lose once in a while, but that's how the game is played. In respect to financial investment it does need to balance in the end but the key here is to be cautious and not overspend. I want to say that tomorrow I'll put up a public node but that won't happen until there's a good deal on servers and some favorable trades to finance them.
What I will be putting more time into is the Hive Developer Database which is crucial. Right now we've got projects, including several frontends, that are waiting on developers to become available. That's another thing that's currently centralized but I want to set up to record on-chain. In respect to developers in general, Hive always needs more, particularly when it comes to those with experience. Ourselves as a team, for example, are booked into the winter months with work pre-scheduled and that includes work for dapps that aren't just our projects.
Supporting decentralization
The success of Hive is very much tied to the success of the dapps and projects that are based on Hive. That means putting them in touch with opportunities that are favorable for them, helping them source developers for their projects, getting them added to information-type sites (think our partners at MarketSquare), ensuring they have information, passing on inquiries that are sent to the main channels but are misdirected, and so on. A lot of time goes into these micro activities of checking messages, answering questions, providing advice, reaching out, connecting people, and so on. The success of a community, a dapp, a group project, even a personal project of a Hive member is everyone's success.
Only thing I'd like to see more of is our Hive logo or link back on individual dapp marketing materials. Don't forget about Hive. No one is going to succeed on their own in a decentralized ecosystem. That crab bucket mentality from the pre-Hive era is irrelevant here. We get ahead by helping our buddy out, not by pulling them back into the bucket.
So what's wrong with Hive?
Nothing. There is nothing wrong with Hive. That title is cheap clickbait to illustrate there is no one problem and solution. I'm not 'fixing' anything because nothing is broken; I'm optimizing a segment of the processes, services and deliverables needed to get Hive ahead of where it is now.
Hive is a work in progress and the work that's out there now, from myself, my team, and from everyone in general is the best we can do. No one who is working for the benefit of the Hive ecosystem in general is doing so with the intent to do a shitty job. Everyone who positively contributes doing a small task helps Hive progress. Anyone who says they've got the one-stop-shop solution to 'fix' whatever they deem 'broken' on Hive are full of shit. No one individual can do deliver without collaborating with others and that on its own nullifies all claims that they have the answer. The answer is simply continuous teamwork.
None of this is done with the goal of personal remuneration but if you want to support us, consider voting for the @guiltyparties witness.
Individual dapps would benefit linking back to a hub of sorts. This social setting for instance. This is where one finds out about the other stuff. It's odd someone might stumble into a tribe for instance, sign up, and not have any clue there's more to Hive than just that. All those new splinterlands players for instance. Notice how there wasn't a sudden increase in low rep noob accounts engaging? That's a missed opportunity. Several were linked to a PeakD post and might not even realize that's a Hive product and there's an opportunity to earn a little more crypto while browsing content; content that sometimes talks about other opportunities. Having the consumer base connected provides a solid foundation for anything new that wants to show up on the scene as well. Can't depend on single points of success in a decentralized world. Fractured markets are single points of failure.
I agree with this, and what you said about splinterlands is a perfect example.
I started playing splinterlands in March or April. It wasn't until maybe June that I really started seeing what Hive is about. It took me a while to figure out what tribes, communities, and the different front ends and tokens were all about.
I started a guild in Splinterlands this week and because I believe in Hive as a whole I'm really trying to push the guild members (all with accounts made in July and August and no activity on Hive outside of splinterlands) to start posting at least to I gave them all some cards to do the weekly battle challenge with and really tried to highlight that my biggest regret is that I didn't start being active with the greater Hive community sooner. We'll see how it goes.
I've been around for years and still stumble into new things, some that have been around for awhile.
We actually had some new pure-Splinterlands users discover the rest of Hive recently with some amazement. There has to be some sort of an inclusive and coherent way to present all of the Hive ecosystem options to new users, but that may be a topic for a different conversation. The way I was thinking of it is if all our services and dapps have the Hive logo somewhere prominent, even if its small, people will simply need to look for it to ascertain whether its a Hive-connected product or not. (Until now I've been using the terminology 'Hive-based' but I'll switch it to 'Hive-connected' where relevant going forward.)
I'm glad to hear some managed to find their way around. I'm looking at a fresh tutorial for the game on trending right now, 8 comments. A bit better of a connection, there would be far more comments. On PeakD for instance one can simply 'favorite' that tag and have all the fresh content at their fingertips. 'Learn and earn', why not...
So a standardized Hive icon that once clicked brings up a menu with several more icons that all have a tooltip popup offering the name and brief description. Click one option, it takes you there, where you browse whatever it is you're looking at, and that too has the Hive Icon in the same location (top left?) that works the same way as described before. Is that what you're thinking? That's how I'd do it. Just some code that plugs in easily with any skin, as theycallmedan would call them.
Basically you're on Splinterlands, two clicks takes you to PeakD, browse, two clicks takes you the NFT Showroom, browse, two clicks takes you to another game, play, two clicks will take you back to PeakD, two clicks and you can head over to Hive engine, two clicks, watching some video on SPK, and so on. Everyone benefits from the ease of access/shared market. Consumers/users don't have to stumble around in the dark.
We do need this, would make every app on the platform help every other app on the platform with no sacrifice. It's the difference between going to a mall with lots of stores or a footlocker. Sure, you showed up for shoes, but maybe walking made you hungry, maybe you didn't know you wanted to play in the arcade, lots of interconnectivity that's sticky and keeps folks around.
Yeah, exactly. The proven mall model, advanced. On day one someone walks into an unfamiliar mall. What's the first thing they see? A map. These days the map for the biggest malls can be accessed on a phone, and for good reason. Even in department stores, if someone is struggling to find what they're looking for, they leave, and the product they're looking for loses out even though it was right under their nose. This map also happens to be a teleporter though. If you could do that in the physical world, not one of those businesses would suffer due to poor location (furthest from the door on the boring floor).
The more new users we have onboarded through games/apps the more this is a problem. The person is just lost. I've got some ideas but need to set time aside.
Decentralize isn't synonymous with disarray.
Clicketty Cick. Sounds very good.
You are an incredibly fucked up individual...
Anyone who actually looks at your activity would see you're a liar and a thief.
I'm going to be doing my best to have your ACTUAL criminal complaints from your past come back up and be used on this Block. In fact, Because you are SO active and involved with HIVE I think the best thing to do would be to get your FULL Record up here and out for everyone to see.
If and WHEN I make it to Canada, I wont settle for anything less than taking you for absolutely EVERYTHING you own. You will be revealed... and these actions you've taken against me and others over the years will catch up to you. You feckless little coward !
Good to hear from you again Frank. I don't have any past criminal complaints that I know of but if you want to come up let me know. Can't buy you a beer unfortunately, no Covid passport.
Why dont you put together a zoom call and I'll be there with some buddies 🖕😎🥓🖕
That won't work well. I'm mostly deaf. Message me on Discord any time you want.
Ok... listen fucktard. I'm mostly blind and got other issues.
YOU are rollin around stepping on my Dick every chance you can, then call out Crybaby an say that I need to accommodate YOU! You absolute PUNK of a man!
For the last time I WILL NOT Discord with you faggots! And I don't know of any who will so pull up you Pants you fucking retarded excuse for an adult and ANSWER YOUR GOD DAMN PHONE WHEN I'M CALLING!
Get a zoom call opened or get your DISGUSTING, PERVERTED HANDS off my account's work, POPs... or so help me God, If you make me come to Toronto, It will be to shower you with litigation to end your hope for a simple life.
FUCK YOU, you retarded pig and get the fuck away from me!
Hmm. :)
Id say that theres plenty wrong with Hive and applications built on Hive. That doesnt mean Hive isnt amazing. Just means theres a lot more work to do. 😉
I know it can feel like a chore sometimes, but you should post more.
I don't want to take time away from work on Hive by posting if I don't have to. If I get a few minutes here and there I end up writing something up. Way I see it, if you have time for leisure you have time for work.
One issue Hive has is the name. If you search for 'Hive blockchain' you find something else. There are other Hives too. We need good branding and 'SEO' to get found. Dapps should show that they are part of a common platform to encourage people to explore. It's just not obvious on some that an account can do more.
Hive needs more people to be useful to a wider audience. All these new accounts who signed up recently ought to be engaging with the cool content we have. There really is something for everyone.
That's the thing right there. On the plus side that helps us as you cannot trademark a common term like 'hive'. On the other, there is immense competition for prominence of the name. Way I see it, as long as every dapp has a small Hive logo in its marketing material and a link somewhere that says 'built on Hive' then that's a big step forward. We got some promoting being on Wax but I'm not seeing the same enthusiasm about promoting being on Hive.
Definitely need that 'Built on Hive' to be prominent. If people are using Keychain they need to realise they can safely log into lots of different dapps. I think it makes for a pretty good user experience overall.
As I look at all the dApps that are getting ahead in the curve I am of the feeling that they are more interested in themselves and Hive is just a means to an end.
I see them slowly transition away from Hive as a whole. Like a fly chasing the next big thing I see them slowly move away.
I think that once they find their little audience/userbase they will migrate somewhere else.
Greed. It all boils down to that.
I know. Am a greedy motherfucker.
dapps are businesses not charities and Hive is not some church one swears loyalty to.
I personally see that the best apps we have here are mostly committed to Hive because it works really well for content a accepting json transactions. 3 second block times are good and it works.
If Hive wants to attract and retain dApps, it has to make sure it's a business friendly place, that functions well and supports the apps that choose to use it.
Its an observation of what I am seeing.
You just basically said exactly what had said but in your own twisted way, but in the end its exactly what I had just said.
Hey did I say that you basically saying the same?
lol, I take it you think we said the same thing, in our own twisted way.
I take the bread and spread some butter then add big fat salami.
Watch it go say Pappi
It's my first time here tho. I'm so excited to start this new journey ☺️
My side is all about what we don't do. lol. Apparently, It does seem, that there is a big integration of things going on. This thing working with that thing that both work well with another.
I had similar thoughts. Many things working together to all help and strengthen each other support and grow. None holding the other back. And all promoting each other. Bridges are being built on the blockchain, but we make very alternative use to these bridges built other than a specific.
We have a network built. We bridged it to other blockchain/exchanges too. We done the same as everyone else. Probably done it better in some circumstance. But the one thing that we are missing and everyone seems to want, Is the exact same thing no one is willing to discuss developing.
While many see all the integration of Hive to various means. I see Hive as one integration into something much bigger Hive can be. I think this is essential for any vision about the lifespan of Hive.
I generally agree with you and the vision you have, although I don't see it through the same lens all the time. I know you don't like it when I say can't or no. Maybe that's wrong from my end as technically, anything is within the realm of possibility. The end game for Hive integration is likely integration into people's daily lives in various ways rather than integration into systems.
The systems. Nothing works without them, you live by them now. You just have very little say in what the system is. Integration of Hive HBD into peoples lives is either handing over control to another or creating the system for others to use ourselves.
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@guiltyparties you are absolutely right hive blockchain is all about team work, because it's decentralized that's why it's not dependent on anyone single person including witnesses,
Collaboration is a key for hive blockchain success and developments
Yeah it is. Nothing can get done without it.
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El éxito de Hive es el éxito de todos, es una frase que debería repercutir en todos a la hora de ayudarnos, y que ahora he visto.
Gracias por la información, realmente sentí un poco de ánimo al leer esto, lo que hace que pueda invertir el tiempo en la promoción de Hive, y el apoyo que pueda prestarle.
Sin duda alguna, Hive es la mejor familia.
Lo del logotipo es fenomenal, he visto que algunos usuarios de renombre, usan en algunos productos de mercadotecnia que ellos mismos promueven, y parecer ser fenomenal.
Hasta ahora, solo he podido hablar hablar con algunos conocidos, pero en sí, ¿estaría en contra de alguna normativa el que use el logotipo de Hive personalmente?
Solo he promovido verbalmente, pero la gente comprar lo que ve, y eso, sería fantástico para presentarlo a algunos.
I am new to Hive and little by little I'm getting into it, so far I find it a nutritious platform and I think it's good that they care about improving it.
What is wrong with Hive it's its complexity in my humble opinion. And getting more and more complicated every year. The average user needs to spend countless hours just to learn the basics. And those basics keep changing of course. To make it worst, we now have all these different frontends and different tokens. I see a lot of the owners claiming they care about Hive but all they care is making more money, preferably with a site and token they control.