One issue Hive has is the name. If you search for 'Hive blockchain' you find something else. There are other Hives too. We need good branding and 'SEO' to get found. Dapps should show that they are part of a common platform to encourage people to explore. It's just not obvious on some that an account can do more.
Hive needs more people to be useful to a wider audience. All these new accounts who signed up recently ought to be engaging with the cool content we have. There really is something for everyone.
That's the thing right there. On the plus side that helps us as you cannot trademark a common term like 'hive'. On the other, there is immense competition for prominence of the name. Way I see it, as long as every dapp has a small Hive logo in its marketing material and a link somewhere that says 'built on Hive' then that's a big step forward. We got some promoting being on Wax but I'm not seeing the same enthusiasm about promoting being on Hive.
Definitely need that 'Built on Hive' to be prominent. If people are using Keychain they need to realise they can safely log into lots of different dapps. I think it makes for a pretty good user experience overall.