Hey, Peak Vault's developer here. Thank you for testing! Feedback is invaluable!!
I wanted to address some of the issues you raised:
- Too long to update HE balance. I agree. I've added a temporary solution: opening the token's page will force the balance to update. A proper solution will take a bit more time.
- The web view currently works only in chrome, it's coming soon to Firefox
- Cannot delete contacts. This one is actually false, you can delete contacts: choose a contact, click on edit and scroll down, you'll find the delete button.
I agree with everything else you've pointed out and fixes are on their way! Thanks again!
I'm sorry you couldn't log into PeakD. I'd like to dig deeper into this. If you're available to help me out hit me up (or anyone else in the team) on Discord or on Sting.
OK, found it! Sorry for misreporting this. Pretty cool how you implemented this one!
Ok, a temporary solution is ok until a proper one is implemented.
I see. It's ok, I know these things take time.
I will do that, but probably not today since it's a very busy day for me. I tried again, and the error persists.