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RE: The Grandest Scheme (Eng/DE)

in Wochen-Wahnsinn3 years ago

Realistically there are many forms of aggregated intelligence in the same way that there are many forms of artificial intelligence (and the two could even be considered the same from a certain perspective), so it turns into a bit of a semantics issue to attempt clearly defining things.

Intelligence itself has the same problem, so supposing there were some form of intelligence responsible for various forms of 'magic', that doesn't necessarily mean it's conscious or aligned to some higher purpose by default. This implies the malevolent aggregated intelligence built from people laws and paper could abuse that power along with everything else, and if you look at the history and rituals of various secret societies, it certainly seems that they are already onboard with that idea. So then if you make an enemy of this aggregated intelligence, not only are you fighting against basically the entire known world, but also potentially making an enemy of multiple unknown entities/gods/aliens/etc. as well as everything else - except nature, and a few people that can handle the chaos.

Declaring a fight with the most gigantic enemy that is even perceivable while simultaneously constructing a [REDACTED] sigil so gigantic that only a truly godlike intelligence could completely understand is the ultimate act of defiance - right?
Even then, it's all done for the sake of Queen's Game.


mhhhh, it seems you know that your plan is quite ambitious, so I guess there is no point in trying to argue that you should maybe aim for something more practical.

To provide some relevant context: I never really dove deep into Hegel, but I always kind of wanted to since he is a mathematician and a philosopher. The one thing I remember from him is that he argued that the authoritarian system teached by the Christian religion (trust in god) and manifested in the state/king is in fact holy and the sole reason that humanity developed so far.

Kant who is the impersonation of critical thinking and enlightenment in German literature is also a deontologist. That seems almost like a bad joke if you think about it.

Speaking of Wandering Wojak, he sent me something interesting when we first met. It shows there is a bug in the system. Why would you exclude high IQ people? Sure you could make up many reasons why "evil people hate smart people", but I actually think that it is a more blatant bug that is hard to fix due to the complexity of the system.

I am more of a try-to-fix-the-problem-from-within-the-system-kind-of-guy because I believe the system is very well tested and hardened against any outside attack. But seeing someone go for a more revolutionary approach is surely interesting.