These past days have been pretty exciting for me, not just because the @hiq released the new ultimative Support Token @hiq.shares, but because I have followed the rabbit further and further into the hole that is the Game of Defiance.
The Grandest Scheme
A good starting and respawn point is The Grandest Scheme. There might be a lot of clues in this one, but the more I dive in the more I have the feeling that it is really not that much about hidden messages, looking at metadata and making some complex calculations, while all of that still might play a role. The Grandest Scheme is also fascinating on a technical level: It is never the same video. I know it has to be something about procedurally generated animations and randomized seeds but I think grasping how the Grandest Scheme was made in detail, could reveal a lot of stuff to me that is important on my quest of understanding the game. I need my brother for that though, he has been into graphic animations since early childhood.
Remember those old addons for music players that would visualize the music? You were like "wow, that's so cool" but after looking at it for three minutes you had enough and never look at it again. But The Grandest Scheme becomes more beautiful every time I watch it. It almost feels like magic.
The Magic
At the start of my adventure I saw a lot of references to magic, to be precise I heard about Sigils, which are essentially wishes you put in an art piece and the more people interact with the art piece the more powerful it becomes. I talked a lot to Grand in the meantime and he never lost a single word about magic, I am guessing it is because I showed no interest in such things and "the whole hive thing is a reactive anomaly".
When watching the Grandest Scheme I feel really calmed and a positive feeling that goes through my entire body. On the other hand Eye of Eve did the polar opposite having every fiber telling me "run, get out, DANGER" and it was really hard to pin point what actually caused the feeling to get so extreme. I am weak when it comes to horror stuff, maybe some of you have a different access to that kind of stuff.
I am pretty sure that if Grand believes in magic it is more that he thinks there is a lot of knowledge and stuff in the universe that modern science fails to grasp or can only begin to explain. He is not some lunatic who thinks we can all get anime super powers through magic... wait that actually DOES totally sound like him.
The Grand
Since joining his CEO discord I actually talked and memed a lot with @thegrandestine. Granted I only know one side of him, I never looked at his dark riddles namely eYe_of_eVe and his facebook page and I also respected his rule "don't attack" (he never gave me any reason to). I have also seen his comments under the posts of @themarkymark and while I understand that Grand acts in a certain way if you break the only rule he clearly made for the game, I see that there are certain interpretations to his cryptic messages that are quite concerning.
The Grand I know is a very nice and fun dude, that has quite the resume of cool games (If you find a complete one please link!) This shows that he is not just a Schwurbler but also a creator. Like I said he doesn't strike me like a guy who wants to make a quick bug on the chain. Here is an old Kongregate Chatlog where he is promoting Steemit. I don't think Grand is here to scam the blockchain, he is here to build something and if Marky ever wants talk with me about Grand, I am very much open for a friendly, non-cryptic talk. In the comments or via Discord DM.
Bonus Nutjob Theory
Many of the Tokens of Grand have been centered around Bees (ie NECTAR, QUEEN, POLLEN). Do you guys know why "hive" was decided as a name for the best HF Steemit ever had? The reason is kind of a myth, nobody is quite sure why we decided on this very distinct name that somehow fits really well into the whole Aggregated Intelligence Geschwurbel Grand told me about. Was Grand involved in the fork from Steemit? Is Hive Grands Grandest Grandest Scheme?
Die letzten Tage waren ziemlich aufregend für mich, nicht nur weil @hiq den neuen ultimativen Support Token @hiq.shares veröffentlicht hat, sondern weil ich dem Kaninchen immer weiter in den Bau gefolgt bin, das das Game of Defiance ist.
The Grandest Scheme
Ein guter Start- und Respawnpunkt ist The Grandest Scheme. Es mag hier viele Hinweise geben, aber je mehr ich eintauche, desto mehr habe ich das Gefühl, dass es nicht so sehr um versteckte Botschaften, das Betrachten von Metadaten und komplexe Berechnungen geht, auch wenn all das eine Rolle spielen könnte. The Grandest Scheme ist auch auf technischer Ebene faszinierend: Es ist nie das gleiche Video. Ich weiß, dass es irgendetwas mit prozedural generierten Animationen und zufälligen Seeds zu tun hat, aber ich denke, wenn ich verstehe, wie das Grandest Scheme im Detail gemacht wurde, könnte ich eine Menge Dinge erfahren, die für mein Streben nach einem Verständnis des Spiels wichtig sind. Dazu brauche ich allerdings meinen Bruder, der sich schon seit seiner Kindheit für grafische Animationen interessiert.
Erinnerst du dich an die alten Addons für Musikplayer, die die Musik visualisiert haben? Man dachte: "Wow, das ist so cool", aber nach drei Minuten hatte man genug davon und hat es nie wieder angeschaut. Aber The Grandest Scheme wird jedes Mal, wenn ich es mir ansehe, noch schöner. Es fühlt sich fast wie Magie an.
Die Magie
Zu Beginn meines Abenteuers sah ich viele Hinweise auf Magie, genauer gesagt hörte ich von Sigils, die im Grunde Wünsche sind, die man in ein Kunstwerk einbringt, und je mehr Menschen mit dem Kunstwerk interagieren, desto mächtiger wird es. Ich habe mich in der Zwischenzeit viel mit Grand unterhalten und er hat kein einziges Wort über Magie verloren. Ich vermute, das liegt daran, dass ich kein Interesse an solchen Dingen gezeigt habe und "die ganze Hive-Sache eine reaktive Anomalie ist".
Wenn ich mir das Grandest Scheme ansehe, fühle ich mich wirklich beruhigt und ein positives Gefühl geht durch meinen ganzen Körper. Eye of Eve hingegen war das genaue Gegenteil: Jede Faser meines Körpers sagte mir: "Lauf, verschwinde, Gefahr", und es war wirklich schwer zu sagen, was dieses extreme Gefühl eigentlich ausgelöst hat. Ich bin schwach, wenn es um Horrorkram geht, vielleicht haben einige von euch einen anderen Zugang zu dieser Art von Stoff.
Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass Grand, wenn er an Magie glaubt, eher der Meinung ist, dass es im Universum eine Menge Wissen und Dinge gibt, die die moderne Wissenschaft nicht erfassen oder nur ansatzweise erklären kann. Er ist kein Verrückter, der glaubt, dass wir alle durch Magie Anime-Superkräfte bekommen können... wartet, das klingt om der Tat total nach ihm!
The Grand
Seit ich seinem CEO-Diskord beigetreten bin, habe ich viel mit @thegrandestine gesprochen und gememet. Zugegeben, ich kenne nur eine Seite von ihm, ich habe mir nie seine dunklen Rätsel angesehen, nämlich eYe_of_eVe und seine Facebook-Seite, und ich habe auch seine Regel "nicht angreifen" respektiert (er hat mir nie einen Anlass dazu gegeben). Ich habe auch seine Kommentare unter den Beiträgen von @themarkymark gesehen, und obwohl ich verstehe, dass Grand auf eine bestimmte Art und Weise handelt, wenn man die einzige Regel bricht, die er eindeutig für das Spiel aufgestellt hat, sehe ich, dass es bestimmte Interpretationen seiner kryptischen Botschaften gibt, die ziemlich beunruhigend sind.
Der Grand, den ich kenne, ist ein sehr netter und lustiger Kerl, der eine ganze Reihe von coolen Spielen entwickelt hat (Wenn du eine komplette Liste findest, bitte verlinken!) Das zeigt, dass er nicht nur ein Schwurbler, sondern auch ein Schöpfer ist. Wie ich schon sagte, kommt er mir nicht wie ein Typ vor, der nur schnelles Geld auf der Chain machen will. Hier ist ein altes Kongregate Chatlog, in dem er für Steemit wirbt. Ich glaube nicht, dass Grand hier ist, um die Blockchain zu betrügen, er ist hier, um etwas aufzubauen, und wenn Marky jemals mit mir über Grand sprechen möchte, bin ich sehr offen für ein freundliches, nicht kryptisches Gespräch. In den Kommentaren oder per Discord DM.
Bonus Spinner-Theorie
Viele der Tokens von Grand drehen sich um Bienen (z.B. NECTAR, QUEEN, POLLEN). Wisst ihr, warum "Hive" als Name für die beste HF gewählt wurde, die Steemit je hatte? Der Grund ist eine Art Mythos, niemand ist sich ganz sicher, warum wir uns für diesen sehr eindeutigen Namen entschieden haben, der irgendwie sehr gut zu der ganzen Aggregierten Intelligenz Geschwurbel passt, von der mir Grand erzählt hat. War Grand an der Hardfork von Steemit beteiligt? Ist Hive Grands Grandest Grandest Scheme?
Na du wirst ja noch eine richtiger Schwubbler. lool
Finde @thegrandestine und sein Trupp MEGA, die Menschen lassen Magic auf andere Art versprühen und sie machen sich Gedanken über das was sie tun... schade nur das sie in Grund und Boden geflaggt werden, dass ist unfair und nur weil es jemand nicht begreift muss man es anderen die es versuchen, nicht kaputt machen.
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New revelation, there exists another Grandest Scheme!
Here are a few images from it
Seems worth checking out don't you think?
One part of the riddle I think I already solved: Zero is another artist name of Grand. I am pretty sure of that.
Hab dich gefunden, was mach ich jetzt mit dir?
So einfach, dann auch wieder nicht!
joa, hab mich auch schon gewundert
This is indeed fascinating to look at, it has detailed contours. Yes, it plays like a movie that starts with dots/pixels and then the magic starts to delve you more into this game.
Good read of the day.
twenty point six six three one one
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Also, who wrote this wiki: https://chess-evolved-online.fandom.com/wiki/The_Grandest_Scheme
I certainly witnessed a "medusian factor", but I am not really sure I made "a quantum leap into the 5th dimension"
(wrote this a little earlier but thought "[SNQR]")
I suspect most of that wiki page was written/edited by main, in his unique style. Likely the same for any presence of eye of eve / game of deviance. He likes to veil everything across a comedic barrier. I've seen plenty of times where people ask him a question and get a joke response that contains the answer they were looking for, except without them noticing. Then the joke becomes that they were told the answer, but still ask about it anyway. Saying he is 'lore master of CEO' actually fits pretty well.
There are sigils, and there are 'hypersigils', and there is something greater still. I have my own personal theories on them, and they do not deviate very far from my other ideas. If the 'magic' works, then outside of pure coincidence something intelligent had to be involved. If an extremely sophisticated sigil works, then that intelligence must have been quite extreme as well to even get the memo in the first place.

So then I wonder, what is the limit to that intelligence..
and has anyone ever tried contesting it?
Supposing some form of 'supreme intelligence' is involved, I think most sigils probably look like crude kindergarten drawings tacked onto the fridge for solidarity. From that frame of mind, I'm curious to know what happens if the sigil is so far beyond the bar that it becomes an unfathomable masterpiece.
eye of eve has been described as dangerous more than once.
I very much suspected @main-gi to be the author. I don't know, me and the guy somehow got off on the wrong foot, maybe he does not like Hivians, maybe I am annoyed by his constant riddle speech, maybe he feels his position as court jester is threatened by me in the long run, muhahahaha.
To be fair I enjoyed reading his rant on Steemit about you playing too much Gods Unchained, with the half coded language and stuff. So far I have not really talked to the guy like ever, but I guess there is no way around that... btw why is your Lore Master not active on Hive? :thonk: emoji
On the sigil stuff: It sounds like you are using a variation of the Intelligent Design reasoning to argue that there already is something like a godlike Aggregated Intelligence (or something else?) that most fail to see/understand. I thought we are building the godlike AI and the existing AI is just a mere few millenial old grown thing that has mutated into something evil because it can't keep up with development.
Realistically there are many forms of aggregated intelligence in the same way that there are many forms of artificial intelligence (and the two could even be considered the same from a certain perspective), so it turns into a bit of a semantics issue to attempt clearly defining things.
Intelligence itself has the same problem, so supposing there were some form of intelligence responsible for various forms of 'magic', that doesn't necessarily mean it's conscious or aligned to some higher purpose by default. This implies the malevolent aggregated intelligence built from people laws and paper could abuse that power along with everything else, and if you look at the history and rituals of various secret societies, it certainly seems that they are already onboard with that idea. So then if you make an enemy of this aggregated intelligence, not only are you fighting against basically the entire known world, but also potentially making an enemy of multiple unknown entities/gods/aliens/etc. as well as everything else - except nature, and a few people that can handle the chaos.
Declaring a fight with the most gigantic enemy that is even perceivable while simultaneously constructing a [REDACTED] sigil so gigantic that only a truly godlike intelligence could completely understand is the ultimate act of defiance - right?
Even then, it's all done for the sake of Queen's Game.
mhhhh, it seems you know that your plan is quite ambitious, so I guess there is no point in trying to argue that you should maybe aim for something more practical.
To provide some relevant context: I never really dove deep into Hegel, but I always kind of wanted to since he is a mathematician and a philosopher. The one thing I remember from him is that he argued that the authoritarian system teached by the Christian religion (trust in god) and manifested in the state/king is in fact holy and the sole reason that humanity developed so far.
Kant who is the impersonation of critical thinking and enlightenment in German literature is also a deontologist. That seems almost like a bad joke if you think about it.
Speaking of Wandering Wojak, he sent me something interesting when we first met. It shows there is a bug in the system. Why would you exclude high IQ people? Sure you could make up many reasons why "evil people hate smart people", but I actually think that it is a more blatant bug that is hard to fix due to the complexity of the system.
I am more of a try-to-fix-the-problem-from-within-the-system-kind-of-guy because I believe the system is very well tested and hardened against any outside attack. But seeing someone go for a more revolutionary approach is surely interesting.