Secrecy Hypocrisy

in MemeHive2 years ago (edited)

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Someone allegedly revealed evidence the government has been less than honest with the people that government allegedly serves and represents. Once again, the person leaking the information is in more trouble than the people allegedly doing things they don't want to have leaked.

Scumbag state: were it not for double standards, they would have no standards at all. Chelsea (née Bradley) Manning, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and so many more are treated like criminals because they dared reveal the crimes committed by the political class and their enforcers to the general public. Meanwhile, the nanny state wants our every exchange, interaction, and move to be recorded, analyzed, and filed away for their records.

Whether this latest scandal comes to anything or not, the fact remains that representation is a myth, democracy is a false religion, and the government is just a gang writ large.

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The system sure isn't what I thought it was.

It's almost like the government lied to us about their real nature after monopolizing education and co-opting the media. Whoodathunkit?

On the bright side more of us have woken up to the capture.

Almost as if history repeats itself...

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...and everyone is copying Uncle Sam. Speaking of which, when is your substitute drama teacher-in-chief going the way of the other totalitarian tosspots, Horseface and Mrs. Fish?

You forgot anti-science and racist ... oh and my personal favorite ... misogynist.

Yeah, I suppose that 20-year-old meme needs to be updated.

Still pretty accurate

History is repeating itself since 2000+ years.

Change happens slowly, until it happens all at once. I hope we are nearing a tipping point. But which way will it tip?

Direct democracy

What does that mean, though? Naked tyranny of the majority?

Include an unassailable bill of rights and freedoms and freedom of movement. I can't see us being able to do much better than that. Civilization requires some level of cooperation. Also for a bill or law to pass, it would have to have more than a majority; it would have to have a consensus ... just about everyone would have to agree to it ... say 90 percent. Otherwise, people would be free to pick up sticks and move to a community they preferred. Any citizen could propose legislation provided they gained enough signatories, and then it would be put to a direct vote. Also a great deal of decentralization would be required ... less power to federal governments and more to local governments. The systems is never going to be perfect but flattening power structures generally gives more power to more people.

 2 years ago  

I don't need anyone to reveal the government is less than honest.
I'm more sure of it than the sun rising in the morning.

Some folks are ready to recognize that. Some still have faith in their political idols though.

It's disgusting, but I've got to the point where things like this don't surprise me at all. Makes me angry though.

The question is, do we try to ignore that anger, use it to do something destructive, or use it as incentive to build something better?

But what about all those whistleblower laws.

Or the fact that retaliation is completely and totally allowed by the government... Especially retaliation against whistleblowers!

Government: "the law is for thee, not for me."

Some huge changes. How about the atf turning millions of Americans into criminals over pistol braces? And the continued overreach by the State...

The American people are.going to make some serious changes. Accountability is coming. Beware the corruption of America, Liberty is coming.

Isn't it crazy how laws imposed nearly 100 years ago with dubious justification then and so many technological advances since are still treated as sacred? Why is a "short-barreled rifle or shotgun" really so bad in the first place?

The short barrel rifle and short barrel shotgun was out of the prohibition times and helped to curb large scale gun fights in American cities.

When the Mafia wars ended so did,.... Oh wait no the live didn't change in fact and then on all Americans were taxed for the features of a firearm. Now you can also pay multiple tax so you can have a short barrel rifle that is full auto with a suppressor.. pay the tax and you can own it.

Or you can live in a state with freedom firearms act laws

Brandon Herrera phrased it best: you can do anything you want as long as you fill out the right form and give the government enough money.

According to a number of commentators,the SBS/SBR prohibition was a leftover from when the NFA also prohibited handguns, and was intended to make sure all guns were long long guns. When the pistol ban was pulled,the short barrel nonsense did not go away with it.



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